Unlocked Archives

  • April 23, 2022

    There are times when I feel weak. Physically weak, because I haven't slept well. Emotionally weak, because someone has been fighting me. Spiritually weak, because I haven't felt as close to God as I would like to feel. When I am exhausted, tired, weak I don't feel up for the projects in front of me. [...]

  • April 21, 2022

    I remember before putting my trust in Christ, my speech was just unedifying. Insults and curses always rumbled out of my mouth. But after discovering these Scripture passages and through the help of the Holy Spirit, I began to pay attention to each time harmful words wanted to go out of my mouth. Sometimes, our [...]

  • April 19, 2022

    When I clean my house, I only use all-natural cleaners. Now, before you start thinking how earth-conscious I am (although that is a great reason to use natural cleaners), there's a deeper reason. When I was about four years old, my baby sister got into a cabinet and put a cap of the skull-and-crossbones kind [...]

  • April 17, 2022

    For Christians, Easter is all about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But some people have fuzzy or unclear ideas about what that really means. They might see the resurrection as a symbol for new beginnings and second chances. Some churches even teach that the resurrection means “the spirit of Jesus lives on in His people.” [...]

  • April 15, 2022

    After all Jesus went through at the hands of His accusers, they proceeded to have Him crucified on a cross. This was a form of execution developed by the Roman Empire. It was a long, painful, shameful way to die. And according to the traditions of Israel, it was one of the worst penalties given [...]

  • April 13, 2022

    I sense myself struck dumb with the overwhelming horror, walking without strength—drawn by the crowd—drawn to be with you, my Lord, no matter where this ends I had hoped I had thought But my dirty legs carry me amidst this angry and rollicking crowd—their shouts and laughter a muddy din to my ears. Tears form [...]

  • April 11, 2022

    The Bible is full of celebrations! Moses, together with the Israelites, celebrated their escape from slavery in Egypt after God brought them through the Red Sea (Exodus 14-15). Later, the Israelites celebrated the victory of David and his warriors. God also gave His people several festivals that are described in the Bible—time set apart to [...]

  • April 9, 2022

    Every hurt that Spills from your eye, Slips down your cheek, And falls from your chin, Is caught. Is treasured in a bottle. By a loving Father Who values His children's tears, Knows why they cry them, And draws them close. Yes, the hands marked with nail scars, Are drawing you, Broken as you are, [...]

  • April 7, 2022

    Late evening sunlight filtered through the tree leaves as I walked the wooded path, breathing deeply. Looking down, I saw pieces of a broken bird's egg, shards of sky blue scattered in the dirt. My heart sank, and for a moment I felt tears surge. This egg was once filled with hope—the promise of a [...]

  • April 5, 2022

    Have you ever been mad at the church? I know I have. And sometimes, that's okay. Now, when I say “the church,” I mean all of God's people around the world and throughout history. And I absolutely LOVE the church. Walking alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ as we live into our new God-given [...]