Unlocked Archives
November 27, 2023
READ: PSALM 116:1-7; MATTHEW 11:28-30 Lord, I need Your help Come I don’t know where else to go Come to me I’m so tired All who are weary This burden is more than I can handle All who are burdened Can You help me? And I will give you rest I want to believe You [...]
April 9, 2022
Every hurt that Spills from your eye, Slips down your cheek, And falls from your chin, Is caught. Is treasured in a bottle. By a loving Father Who values His children's tears, Knows why they cry them, And draws them close. Yes, the hands marked with nail scars, Are drawing you, Broken as you are, [...]
February 19, 2022
Have you ever tried to solve a Rubik's Cube? I can't tell you how many times I've tried and failed to unscramble this complicated mess of colors. It amazes me that there are people out there who can decipher this puzzle. I once saw someone solve a Rubik's Cube in less than fifteen seconds! I [...]
January 23, 2021
The ring of clashing swords echoed throughout the hall, only to be cut short by the ominous sound of shattering steel. I could see my enemy's mocking sneer from beneath his helmet. I turned away to retrieve a new sword, my cheeks flushed with shame. It wasn't the first time this had happened. Over and [...]