Donate to Unlocked

Kids and teens need Jesus

In today’s confusing world, your support for Keys for Kids Ministries is crucial. With a generation growing up without foundational truths, urgent action is needed to guide them to God’s Word and the gospel. Your gift, whether $50, $100, $250, $1,000, a monthly donation, or whatever God is laying on your heart, helps provide vital resources that impact kids and teens globally, leading them to Jesus. Your generosity reaches families like Debbie’s, who are pointed to Christ each day through our devotionals and podcasts. Your support enables us to reach remote areas, bringing hope and healing through the gospel. Romans 10:14 reminds us, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Not everyone can share the gospel in public schools or in unreached countries like Nepal or Pakistan. However, by supporting Keys for Kids, you are helping us do just that.

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Now, you can support Unlocked and Keys for Kids Ministries with donor advised funds (DAf) and appreciated stock. Donating appreciated stock assets allows you to maximize your impact while saving more on taxes. Click the link above to donate donor advised funds and stock quickly and easily.

**Only donations made online by US residents can be receipted for tax purposes by this office. Canadian residents can be receipted by donating online at or through our Canadian office: Keys for Kids Ministries Canada, PO Box 14006 Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 0B4