Unlocked Archives

  • December 6, 2022

    Many people sought Jesus during His ministry on earth. Some went to Him to get healed, and some longed to hear from Him and see His miracles. Jesus said that He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). He even spoke as if He were a shepherd who would go out and search [...]

  • November 23, 2022

    There have been times in my life when I would hear hurtful words, especially when I made a mistake. But there were also moments when I would speak harshly and hurt others. I would be inconsiderate of them. I would be insensitive and fail to understand people. I have been careless with my words. Whenever [...]

  • October 14, 2022

    There was a point in my life when I was so ashamed that I didn't want to associate or talk with people. I had messed up so badly that I didn't see myself as fit to be with others. I was so down that I didn't have the confidence to face people. I thought I [...]

  • September 29, 2022

    At a young age, I was afraid of God. I grew up being taught that God is perfect and would be angry at me when I commit a sin or break His commandments. I had learned that God, in His anger toward me when I sin, would punish me. And it's true that, in Scripture, [...]

  • August 5, 2022

    Before, I used to think I was weak. I was not proud of myself. I looked down on myself because of my imperfections. I did not consider myself beautiful, talented, significant, or important. I had a broken family. I was lacking. I envied people. I thought I was not loveable or likable.How do you see [...]

  • July 26, 2022

    I was young when my grandmother passed away. I loved her, and she loved and cherished me. We had good times together. I valued being with her. She accepted me for who I really was. She cared for me. She was the best grandmother to me. When she passed, I was in deep sorrow. I [...]

  • July 13, 2022

    I grew up studying in a religious school. My parents were respected in our small town. They were kind, generous, and accommodating. I looked up to them, and I loved helping the needy. However, I did something terrible when I was a teenager. I ended up bullying a poor classmate of mine. She was silent [...]

  • May 1, 2022

    Parents can promise anything to a child. And that child can believe that promise. Sometimes, parents do not, or cannot, keep their promises, but there is one who always keeps His promises, and that is God our Father. Here are some of His precious and treasured promises: God promised to send the Messiah to save [...]

  • April 24, 2022

    Do you have a best friend? A best friend is a precious gift from God. And do you know that God wants to be your very best friend? Jesus came so that we could be in close relationship with God. While a human best friend cannot always be with you, God can. He is with [...]

  • April 11, 2022

    The Bible is full of celebrations! Moses, together with the Israelites, celebrated their escape from slavery in Egypt after God brought them through the Red Sea (Exodus 14-15). Later, the Israelites celebrated the victory of David and his warriors. God also gave His people several festivals that are described in the Bible—time set apart to [...]