Unlocked Archives

  • November 12, 2021

    God created you and me. Even though He is divine and infinitely greater than us, He wants to accept all of us into His family. Being accepted doesn't just give us a good feeling; acceptance is one of our deepest needs as humans. When God made the first humans, He was very pleased with us. [...]

  • November 10, 2021

    Darkness. Mena jolted awake, jumping up off the prickly grass. Where was he? “Is anyone there?” he called out to the emptiness. Silence responded. A memory flashed inside him, of the recent burning anger when he'd yelled, “No one cares! Nothing makes a difference! It's all a waste of time.” Now he was alone. Sweat [...]

  • November 8, 2021

    Growing up, I didn't like the word "testimony." In Christian circles, this word is often used when people tell others about what God has done in their lives. It seemed to me like the people who told their testimonies usually had epic stories of how God saved them from really hard things, like addiction—which is [...]

  • November 6, 2021

    There are many sad things in this world: death, sickness, and isolation, to name a few. We can all get overwhelmed by this sadness from time to time. When that happens, Psalm 23 can be a source of great comfort. King David, the author of this psalm, begins by stating that because God is our [...]

  • November 4, 2021

    The power of the gospel, as Paul explains in a letter to the Christians in Corinth, comes not from eloquent reasoning or polished argumentation but from Jesus's death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. God's nature is so magnificent and complex that we could not even begin to understand Him. That's why God [...]

  • November 2, 2021

    Who is really in control? Is it me? The voices on the TV? Who has things figured out? Is it a professor? A well-trained scholar? Who will fix things? Is it a political leader? A much-loved ruler? When no humans can do it What no humans would attempt You step in God Be in control, [...]

  • October 31, 2021

    Ash rained from the sky like a grim snow, the crimson lands desolate. A permanent red haze stained the horizon, darker than the sunrise. I could only guess it was time for the sun to rise. I hadn't seen the actual sun for years; ash and the ubiquitous red glow of the beast choked out [...]

  • October 29, 2021

    Part of being a Christian is sharing the gospel with others. Many of us are familiar with Matthew 28:18-20, which some call “the great commission.” We know the good news: that Jesus saves and forgives us, sinners who can't save ourselves. He came to earth as a human and made a huge sacrifice out of [...]

  • October 27, 2021

    The Bible is filled with stories of individuals and groups who were displaced, either because they chose or were forced to live somewhere other than their original home. It began with Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden, but it doesn't stop there. Abraham went to live in Canaan, a land where he knew [...]

  • October 25, 2021

    The princess sat alone in her tower. There was nothing to hope for anymore, nothing to look forward to. Just day after day of loneliness and longing, serving the dragon who held her captive. As her mind swirled into a sea of despair, she glanced out the window, fully expecting to see the same dark [...]