Unlocked Archives

  • April 28, 2023

    I am writing this from La Presa, a small town in Atenas, Costa Rica. There are mangos, star fruits, and bananas scattered across the lawn. Toucans are perched in the trees, and iguanas are sunbathing on the roof. It rains every day—a beautiful, cooling rain. We're surrounded by mountains and tropical rainforests. There's no air-conditioning [...]

  • December 26, 2021

    Consider the birds, Whose magnificent wings Propel them through the air. No human voice could match Their song, and their beauty's Beyond compare. Consider the lilies, As they color the fields, And wonder at how they grow. Flowers do not work, Or look after themselves, Yet they're clothed by a heavenly glow. The God of [...]

  • November 4, 2021

    The power of the gospel, as Paul explains in a letter to the Christians in Corinth, comes not from eloquent reasoning or polished argumentation but from Jesus's death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. God's nature is so magnificent and complex that we could not even begin to understand Him. That's why God [...]

  • October 14, 2021

    Sometimes it feels like everything we do is focused on the future. Many of us spend years in school trying to get good grades, hoping that one day we can get into college. We easily make the mistake of thinking our present lives aren't meaningful, that we just have to get to the next level [...]