Unlocked Archives

  • June 22, 2021

    You thought someone was going to be part of your life forever, and then suddenly they're just gone. They left you. They moved on. Now, you're left wondering about others in your life and trying to figure out if they are going to abandon you too. Human abandonment is one of the most difficult things [...]

  • June 20, 2021

    How do you picture God? Maybe you picture Him as an old man, sitting on a throne up in the clouds somewhere. Or maybe you picture some kind of enormous cosmic vortex. No matter what comes to mind, there are a couple things we need to realize. One, God the Father is spirit. He doesn't [...]

  • June 18, 2021

    I'm hoping for a good explanation of what happened out there today, Kali.” Captain Vesper crossed his arms as I joined him on the bridge of the Goshawk, the largest ship in the Maldi exploration fleet. “Because from what I've heard, you abandoned your squad down on Maldi to find the missing explorer.” I shrugged, [...]

  • June 16, 2021

    When we get down, we want a hand to help us up. We want someone to be kind to us. We want people to understand what we are going through and give us grace. That's not always what happens, though. Sometimes when we really need a person to be kind to us, they aren't. But [...]

  • June 14, 2021

    Have you ever seen someone get shamed in public? Scornfully pointing out people's faults or putting down their differences is a sad part of our broken world. Whether on the news, on the Internet, or at school, we've all seen someone be shamed. It may be for their beliefs, or a perceived wrong choice, or [...]

  • June 12, 2021

    A lot of us love the warm glow of helping someone—and the recognition it brings. Hearing praise and gratitude can make us feel our lives are meaningful and can even give us energy to do more good. But is it possible to crave adulation almost as if it were an addiction? As broken humans, it's [...]

  • June 10, 2021

    Weariness can hit anyone. Weariness drives happiness and peace away. Here are some good ways to respond when you're becoming weary. One, lean on God's help. God gives you strength and endurance when you rely on Him. He knows your needs and what you're going through. If you've put your trust in Jesus, the Holy [...]

  • June 8, 2021

    1 John 1 is about walking in the light. It talks about following Jesus and confessing our sins to Him. Today, I want us to think more about 1 John 1:9. It's a verse that is so simple, yet so easily misunderstood. It says, “If we confess our sins, He [Jesus] is faithful and just [...]

  • June 6, 2021

    Close your eyes, and imagine a dark night. You are standing in a field, and surrounding that field is a thick forest that stretches miles in every direction. It is long after sunset, and there are no lights from buildings to shine a way out. You can hardly see six feet in front of you, [...]

  • June 4, 2021

    A few summers ago, my husband and I were invited to an outdoor wedding. The reception was in a barn, and the summer humidity was at full strength, so we assumed attire would be casual. I wore a sundress, and my husband wore a polo shirt and khakis. We were wrong about the dress code—evening [...]