Unlocked Archives: poetry

  • October 9, 2021

    When darkness covers the sunshine When I start to feel anything but fine When I'm too worried to be still Be my peace If I fall down and struggle to stand again If I fear too much to begin If I am consumed with being like everyone else Be my peace When my life feels [...]

  • October 2, 2021

    Change happens rapidly, in the blink of an eye. Spring, summer, fall, and winter all seem to go so quickly, as time flies by. Nothing seems to stay the same in this world consumed with sin and woe. And life can grow weary to the one who has had to let dreams, plans, and loved [...]

  • December 10, 2019

    READ: PSALM 145:14-19 I’m here every night; too tired to fight.Just trying to make it, not fake it.It’s hard...to be a PK,knowing you want me to say,“It’s okay. I still believe.”Though in my heart I still grieve.But I see a world that’s gone bad.And it started when DadHeaded out of the door,said he wanted no [...]