Unlocked Archives: poetry

  • April 30, 2023

    Let my life, here, nowBe about You, let me follow.Let my future, each step, decision Be about You, not my own opinion.Let the air I breathe, filling me Be air from You, fresh and free.Let my heart, my plansBe about You, in Your hands.Let my goals, my dreams, my reason Be what You want for this [...]

  • April 8, 2023

    Oh, day of awful darkness when I cried unending tears, the very thing I dreaded most now haunted all my fears. . Where could my lovely child be, my Savior and my Son? Who sought to wrench His life away; what foul thing had He done? . With Peter, James, and brother John, I hid [...]

  • December 24, 2022

    The night started just like any other night. A clear, star-lit sky. Sheep sleeping in the field. The shepherds finishing their evening meal around the campfire. Quiet talk about families and the price of wool. But this was no ordinary night. . An angel of God coming to proclaim the coming of the Messiah, and [...]

  • December 26, 2021

    Consider the birds, Whose magnificent wings Propel them through the air. No human voice could match Their song, and their beauty's Beyond compare. Consider the lilies, As they color the fields, And wonder at how they grow. Flowers do not work, Or look after themselves, Yet they're clothed by a heavenly glow. The God of [...]

  • December 25, 2021

    He takes a whole mass of nothing, a void of empty, and fills it with light—and life! This is our God. When His heart breaks over evil and sin consuming His precious creation, He seeks out the faithful and delivers them. After the waters roar and the mountain peaks are covered, He covers us with [...]

  • December 3, 2021

    Marching up to the battle line Gleaming armor so sublime Ready to fight Satan's evil Held in this dark His army, oh so stark God's army was strong Heads held up in this throng Hearts brave and bold Our story unfolds Victory is ours The strong hearts empowered Chase away the evil No longer feeble [...]

  • November 28, 2021

    Snowflakes falling, Christmas coming Born in a manger No longer strangers To God our Father Who sent His Son To live among us And rescue us from danger Our sinful, flawed, and helpless selves The weight of shame and crushing doubts Fled like the shepherds ran that night To the baby wrapped in LIGHT Gift [...]

  • November 11, 2021

    I've been learning so much about the world. I had no idea Satan had his fingers so curled. It isn't much like the time of my childhood, What was once sweet now reeks with wormwood. I find no rest in what I used to enjoy. The world seemed a bit brighter when I was a [...]

  • November 2, 2021

    Who is really in control? Is it me? The voices on the TV? Who has things figured out? Is it a professor? A well-trained scholar? Who will fix things? Is it a political leader? A much-loved ruler? When no humans can do it What no humans would attempt You step in God Be in control, [...]

  • October 22, 2021

    I close my eyes and I pray Lord, fill my thoughts today When I open my eyes again Don't let me turn away Don't let me ignore you As I move forward with my day I want to be consumed Each moment as I move I want to be attuned I want each breath to [...]