
Author: Bethany Acker — Host: Andrew StevensPosted on: September 5, 2022

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens

Do you often think about what is to come tomorrow, next week, or
next year?

None of us know what is to come. It’s up to God to know. He holds the
future, and He will be with us when we get there. We can trust Him because
He’s good, and “His faithful love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1). As we
rely on God and follow Jesus, we don’t have to worry about the future.
Instead, we can be free to focus on the present.

If we take a look at our lives, we might start to notice some of the ways
God is blessing us right now. Let’s not forget to enjoy these good moments
because we are too focused on the future.

Let’s not miss out on the good things happening right now because we are
consumed with thoughts about what could happen later. For example, the
people who are in our lives now might not be with us tomorrow. Perhaps God
has put them here now for a reason. We can ask God to help us see what
opportunities He is giving us, and we can rely on His strength to focus on
being present where He has placed us.

Every blessing comes from God, and we can praise Him for giving us so many
good things (Ephesians 1:3; James 1:17). We can also thank Him for the
promise that He will be with us in the future (Hebrews 13:5). Since Jesus
died and rose from the dead for us, nothing can separate us from God’s love
(Romans 8:38-39). And because of that, we have nothing to worry about. •
Bethany Acker

• God is powerful, and He loves us. If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can
know that He will be with us no matter what. How might these truths give
you comfort as you look toward the future?

• What about the future is exciting to you? What are you concerned about?
You can bring all these things to Jesus in prayer. He loves to listen to
you, and He will guide you as you seek Him.

• Do you ever have a hard time focusing on the present? When worries about
the future feel overwhelming, who could you talk to—such as a parent,
counselor, pastor, or friend?

This is the day the Lord has made; let’s rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm
118:24 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Matthew 6:25-Matthew 6:34; Psalm 118:24
