More Than the Sparrows

Author: Anita Seavey — Host: Andrew StevensPosted on: April 18, 2020

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
More Than the Sparrows

“What will you do after you graduate?” If Ashlynn heard those words one more time She rubbed her forehead with tired fingertips. As the computer loaded yet another search for college options, Ashlynn groaned. If only she knew which way to choose. “Ash!” The back door slammed, and a set of blond pigtails peeked around the corner. “What do you want, Gwen?” Ashlynn said as she began clicking results. “Come and swing,” Gwen said. “You’ve been on there all day.” Ashlynn paused, her fingers hovering above the keyboard. The thought of researching another college made her want to gag. She relented. “Let’s go.” Both girls darted from the house, bursting out the door and into the warm sunshine. Ashlynn followed Gwen to the big oak tree with the homemade swing. Fresh air filled her lungs and washed the heated flush from her cheeks as she gave her little sister a shove. Gwen soared into the air. Just then, a flutter at the base of the tree caught Ashlynn’s eye. She glanced down to see a featherless baby bird huddled in the grass. “Gwen, look at this,” she said, crouching to take the tiny bird into her palm. “Oh.” Gwen stopped swinging. “Is it lost?” Ashlynn spotted an empty nest in the branches above her. “Let’s get it home.” She slipped the baby bird into the pocket of her sweatshirt, then scrambled up the tree and placed the baby bird inside the nEsther “Right where it belongs,” said Ashlynn as they watched the mother bird arrive to care for her baby in a flutter of wings. “If God cares for the birds,” Ashlynn thought, “He cares about what happens to me too. I’m not alone in my college search. Jesus will place me right where I belong.” • Anita Seavey • Do you ever worry about your future? Have you asked God for wisdom (James 1:5)? • What people in your life can give you Christ-centered wisdom about hard decisions? Consider the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they? Matthew 6:26 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Matthew 6:25-34
