A Twisted Era

Author: Natty Maelle — Host: Natty AndersonPosted on: October 14, 2024

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
A Twisted Era


Princess Gayle examined a few documents on her desk as General Blackgrove delivered his opinion. She attempted to appear disinterested. They weren’t exactly allies. “Between you and me, I believe there is sufficient evidence that you are ready to become queen,” the general said in an undertone. “Unfortunately, I don’t think Runyan agrees…”

“Really?” Gayle said dryly.

“If you promise me a position in the Mountain Army, I will support you. And,” General Blackgrove added, measuring his words carefully, “if I were to learn more about the future of your father’s reign, I may be able to convince others to support you as well.”

Gayle understood his meaning. She didn’t particularly like him, but he had power. So she said, “I will tell you this: my father’s health is indeed waning. Soon he will be incapable of carrying out his duties.” General Blackgrove seemed pleased, and after he left her study Gayle smiled to herself—what a cunning politician she was becoming!

A knock sounded and Runyan entered, his eyes shining. Gayle beamed. “I have General Blackgrove on my side. He wants a position in the mountains.”

The old council member smiled softly. “Excellent!”

“But he said he didn’t think you would recommend me.” She laughed.

Runyan shook his head. “He thinks everyone is a snake like him. What did you tell him in exchange for his support?”

Gayle looked away. “I confirmed the rumors about Father.”

Runyan raised his brows. “I thought no one was supposed to know.”

Pushing back her rising guilt, Gayle said, “I needed to build trust.”

At the next council meeting, Princess Gayle was able to convince her father to move General Blackgrove to the Mountain Army. And then her father stood. “I would like to propose that my daughter be my successor.” She sat up straighter, expecting Runyan, General Blackgrove, and others to stand in support of her. But her smile faded as every one of her contacts remained silent. Runyan even made a statement that he didn’t trust the king’s judgement on account of his health. Gayle’s stomach dropped.

After the council disbanded, she paced furiously in her chambers. “After all I did for them! Is no one true?” She paused, catching a glimpse of her harried appearance in the mirror. “Am I true?” she wondered aloud. “What… what am I becoming? Betraying people for my own gain?” Wait, my child. Do not despair, a voice whispered.

“Lord, is that you?”

I am unchanging. I will not lie to you. I will not trick you. Though others might deceive you, and you might deceive others, I am true. I always have your best interests at heart. Relief flooded over Gayle like a bucket of water. Cool and refreshing. Will you trust me?

“How do I know I can trust you? I can’t even trust myself!”

I know you. I made you. I love you. I knew all your failures before you were born, and I purchased your forgiveness. I have all the power in the world, and yet I took the position of a servant and died a criminal’s death—for you. Come and walk with me. Let me teach you the good way. You don’t need to grasp for power. I am working, even in the midst of this corruption, for the good of my people. • Natty Maelle

• The world has been broken by sin, so it’s easy to compromise and give in to the broken systems and greed around us. We all sin, and we all need forgiveness. That’s why Jesus came. He loves us so much, and He hates to see us hurting and deceiving each other. Through His death and resurrection, He made the way for us to be forgiven. And when Jesus returns, He will restore all things. As we wait for this glorious day, we may feel disoriented and unsteady because of the sin and brokenness around us and inside us. But we can always trust Jesus to be steady, honest, and loving. Who are trusted Christians in your life who can help you look to Jesus and follow Him when you’re tempted to participate in corruption?

• Jesus didn’t connive or deceive to grab power; He laid down His life for us, and now He rules with self-sacrificial love and gentleness (Philippians 2:3-11). How does Jesus’s leadership contrast with the characters in today’s story? What might it look like to follow Jesus in self-sacrificial love and gentleness? (To dig deeper, read James 1–5.)

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow. James 1:17 (WEB)