Unlocked Archives: sci-fi & fantasy

  • July 25, 2024

    READ: PSALM 23; 1 JOHN 1:1-5 Chester turned his face to the sun one last time before climbing into the truck. Though the sun hung low in the sky like always, not providing much warmth, Chester knew he would miss it almost as much as he would miss his family. He was leaving all light [...]

  • July 16, 2024

    READ: DEUTERONOMY 7:7-8; PSALM 34; ROMANS 8 I twirled the marble beads on my bracelet, cool against my skin. Grey, grey, bright blue. The turquoise color had intricate swirls of sky blue, the result making the bead look like an ever-moving sky. These bracelets reminded us of the love of Ahavah, the love He daily [...]

  • July 9, 2024

    READ: EXODUS 14:14; 33:22; ISAIAH 42:13; ZEPHANIAH 3:17 "Go to the boulder!” He did not yell over the noise of the battle, but Rhyn heard, and without even having to look for the rock he had sent her to, she knew exactly where to go. So Rhyn ran to it. It wasn’t a very big [...]

  • June 28, 2024

    READ: PROVERBS 3:5-6; 2 CORINTHIANS 3:5; EPHESIANS 2:8; 1 PETER 5:6-7 "UPDATE FAILED. VIRUS DETECTED.” Siren stared at the vile green letters on her monitor. There was one last thing she could try. She drew the small drive out of her pocket. The Willpower Program (or WPP) was rumored to be strong enough to revive [...]

  • June 20, 2024

    READ: ISAIAH 58:6-12; JOHN 4:14; 7:38-39; GALATIANS 5:13-23 "Look over there, Jett—under those tall weeds!” Kyra jumped over a stream as she and her brother explored the area behind their new home. When they had lived by the sea, their family made their living as fishermen, but when the dragon wars encroached on their tiny [...]

  • June 12, 2024

    READ: ROMANS 8; 1 PETER 2:9-10 My hands shook with my effort not to take The List out of my pocket. You can’t control me, I whispered through gritted teeth. I just wanted to walk into this building full of, I imagined, lovely people and be okay. Two steps from the door, my fingers curled [...]

  • June 6, 2024

    READ: 1 SAMUEL 17; 2 TIMOTHY 1:9-10 Dear Mother, Grandfather’s stories are true. The giant smells. Now his stories feel like mine. But I suppose that’s the purpose of a story. To let you know you’re not alone. It might be the giant’s breath or body, but we could smell it from a mile away. [...]

  • May 22, 2024

    READ: PSALM 119:105; PROVERBS 3:5-6; ROMANS 12:1-21 Umar and Krish waited in anticipation. Today was the day they would go through the Maze, an important final test in their training. After this, they and all the others in their year would disperse to their various apprenticeships. As they gathered at the entrance to the Maze, [...]

  • May 4, 2024

    READ: ROMANS 5:1-5; 12:15 BOOM! A clap of thunder shook the rounded windows of Habitation Enclosure 150 in the Tuuli province of the planet Terra. “That sounded awfully close,” said Lillah with a shiver. “I hate storms.” “I know,” said Phlox, Lillah’s roommate and the area botanist. “It feels safer when we don’t have to [...]

  • April 25, 2024

    READ: JEREMIAH 42:1–43:7; EPHESIANS 2:1-10 “Rhode, tell us what to do. We will die here on the planet Yavorah! The Kuvil Regime took the rest of our people to their planet, and they won’t let us live here peacefully. It’s been years since Juro’s old dynasty held us in slavery— maybe if we go back, [...]