Unlocked Archives: October 2023

  • October 11, 2023

    READ: JOSHUA 1:9; PSALM 96:11-12; ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18 What’s your favorite season? I don’t know if I have one; I always have trouble answering that question. There are things to love—and not love—about every season. In winter I love the snow, the beauty of the world just being covered with a blanket of [...]

  • October 10, 2023

    READ: DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9; PSALM 1:1-2; MATTHEW 22:36-40 I recently accepted a job working in the office of my local fire department. This was something I never expected to do. I had very little knowledge about how fire departments even worked. But the fire chief knew this when he proposed the plan for me to take [...]

  • October 9, 2023

    READ: GENESIS 2:1-3; EXODUS 20:8-11; MATTHEW 11:28–12:13; MARK 6:27-32 The other day, I heard someone say, “Rest is productive,” and I flinched a little. That can’t be, can it? Resting is the opposite of being productive, right? Sometimes I struggle with feeling guilty when I rest or take a break. Or I’ll remember how productive [...]

  • October 8, 2023

    READ: PSALM 139:6-12; EPHESIANS 3:14-21 We try to comprehend a lot of things in life. And the fact is, God created us with the ability to learn. Knowledge and discovery are gifts from Him. He invites us to explore this vast universe He has made, and He calls us to dig deep into Scripture so [...]

  • October 7, 2023

    READ: ROMANS 12:1-11; EPHESIANS 2:8-10; 1 JOHN 4:19 Have you ever found yourself playing the comparison game? When we look around us and see what everyone else can do, it’s easy to try to figure out if we’re better or worse at certain things than others. Maybe your friend Blake is better at soccer than [...]

  • October 6, 2023

    READ: JOHN 3:14-18; 14:5-10; ROMANS 3:21-27 I jumped when the solid oak door slammed behind me, its banging echoing through the empty chamber. The dust from the floor blew up into my nose, and I coughed, the nervous pit in my stomach growing even tighter. Just one shot…one shot… I repeated to myself as I [...]

  • October 5, 2023

    READ: ISAIAH 61:1-3; 64:6-8; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:6-10 Have you ever heard of the Japanese artform called Kintsugi? The word means “golden joinery” or “golden repair.” The art is created when a treasured ceramic, like a clay bowl, is broken. Instead of throwing away the old pieces and making a new ceramic altogether, the artist takes [...]

  • October 4, 2023

    READ: PSALM 119:34; PROVERBS 1:1-7; ACTS 17:10-12; EPHESIANS 1:15-23 As we grow in our faith, it’s good to ask questions. Questions help us dive deeper into the Bible and learn more about God and how He reveals Himself in Jesus. God loves it when we bring our questions to Him. And it’s rewarding to pursue [...]

  • October 3, 2023

    READ: 2 CORINTHIANS 1:18-22; GALATIANS 6:2-5; HEBREWS 10:19-25 On the way home from a road trip, I peered out the window of our minivan and noticed a slogan that said, “Helping the World Keep Promises.” This bold statement emblazoned on the side of a truck advertised the company’s reliability.* I assumed they wanted customers to [...]

  • October 2, 2023

    READ: DEUTERONOMY 8:2-18; PSALM 13; MATTHEW 11:28-30 What are deserts? Many people think of places like the Sahara—rolling dunes of hot sand with no signs of life. Some consider parts of the Arctic to be a desert. It makes sense—rolling dunes of snow with no signs of life. In either case, deserts are big, empty, [...]