Unlocked Archives: April 2023

  • April 30, 2023

    Let my life, here, nowBe about You, let me follow.Let my future, each step, decision Be about You, not my own opinion.Let the air I breathe, filling me Be air from You, fresh and free.Let my heart, my plansBe about You, in Your hands.Let my goals, my dreams, my reason Be what You want for this [...]

  • April 29, 2023

    We've all been hurt by others. Sometimes, it's a family member or a friend. Sometimes, it's a stranger. When we are hurt, it can be hard to know how to react. As we deal with our pain, there are some things that can be helpful to do and some that can cause more harm. Avoid [...]

  • April 28, 2023

    I am writing this from La Presa, a small town in Atenas, Costa Rica. There are mangos, star fruits, and bananas scattered across the lawn. Toucans are perched in the trees, and iguanas are sunbathing on the roof. It rains every day—a beautiful, cooling rain. We're surrounded by mountains and tropical rainforests. There's no air-conditioning [...]

  • April 27, 2023

    What school subject do you like the least? Even though I love to write, I always loathed English class—especially grammar. Diagraming sentences, parts of speech, verb tenses it wasn't my thing. So imagine my surprise when I realized that what I had learned about grammar could help me study the Bible. . Take Ephesians 5:18 [...]

  • April 26, 2023

    I lived in a city of mirrors. As I attempted to amble surreptitiously down the street to my destination, I nervously adjusted my mirrored glasses. Everyone wore them in the city. In fact, removing your glasses bordered on appalling. . Figuring a mocha might jump-start my day, I squeezed in line at a local cafe. [...]

  • April 25, 2023

    Sometimes, it's easy to become intimidated or even jealous of other Christians. "Alondra is so good at teaching—would I be a better Christian if I could teach like she can? Blake always knows how to show mercy to people—why is that so hard for me? Is it bad that I can't lead people in worship [...]

  • April 24, 2023

    Until recently, I didn't realize how often Paul had help writing his letters to the churches in the New Testament. I knew that God inspired and directed Paul to write these letters, but it never occurred to me that he had human help too. And Scripture spells it out clearly for us! . Skim through [...]

  • April 23, 2023

    Have you ever had to help a toddler learn a basic task, like putting on shoes or using a fork? While the process can be cute, it can also be long and frustrating. But no matter how challenging the journey might get, when we love little ones, we know that the time spent helping them [...]

  • April 22, 2023

    "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine and that makes one hundred,” I counted aloud while another volunteer added the total to the app on my phone. My family and I had volunteered to pick up trash surrounding a lake in our community. One of our tasks involved tracking the number of various kinds of items we collected in our [...]

  • April 21, 2023

    What are worms good for? Well, they help the earth breathe. As worms burrow through the ground, they let fresh air through the soil. The more they eat and digest the soil, the better it is for growing things. In little details like these, we can see glimpses of how amazing God is. The Creator [...]