Unlocked Archives: July 2022

  • July 21, 2022

    There are times when someone in your life seems to need you in some way. Maybe someone new starts at your school and they are struggling in a class that you understand well. Maybe your sibling hurts their leg and struggles to get around with their crutches. Maybe you see a coworker going without anything [...]

  • July 20, 2022

    Different things can happen that leave us in need of healing. Sometimes, we are injured physically, and we know we have a long journey ahead of us. Those times can be scary, and we might fear that our bodies will not heal as they are supposed to. There are also times when we are injured [...]

  • July 19, 2022

    When I was a kid, I thought I had just about everything figured out. God was good. Evil and suffering were a result of sin, not a result of God. But then I got older In the middle of my teen years, I began to see the effects of sin a little closer to home. [...]

  • July 18, 2022

    I live long-distance from my best friend, and sometimes, it's terrible. I miss her tons, and even though we video chat often, I usually go months without seeing her in person. The Bible stresses the importance of having a good Christian community, but what do you do when a part of that community is close [...]

  • July 17, 2022

    In the book of Acts, there is an account of Peter being rescued from prison by God. After an angel guided him out of the prison, Peter went to a house where fellow believers were praying for his release from an unjust stay in the Roman jail. This account also tells of a girl named [...]

  • July 16, 2022

    My favorite verse in the Bible is Isaiah 54:10. It assures me of God's unfailing love for me that will never be shaken and of His covenant of peace that will not be removed. It shows me that God's love for me is more certain and stable than the mountains and the hills. Even if [...]

  • July 15, 2022

    I like to give the things in my life names. I name my car, my plants—and I even brainstorm future pet names. Names can carry a lot of weight and significance, so what does it mean that God calls Himself "I AM"? In Exodus 3, God speaks to Moses through a burning bush that—miraculously— does [...]

  • July 14, 2022

    The city of Atlantis was real. My forehead pressed against the thick glass window of the submarine, and I could only gape as the shining city came into view. The best we could have hoped to find was the crumbled ruins of a once great city, now resting at the bottom of the ocean. We [...]

  • July 13, 2022

    I grew up studying in a religious school. My parents were respected in our small town. They were kind, generous, and accommodating. I looked up to them, and I loved helping the needy. However, I did something terrible when I was a teenager. I ended up bullying a poor classmate of mine. She was silent [...]

  • July 12, 2022

    I'm twenty-eight years old, and one thing I wish I would have known about God as a teenager is that He made me unique and special. I was born three months premature, and I had a stroke at birth. I've struggled to gain weight ever since. Kids would be mean to me and call me [...]