Unlocked Archives: March 2022

  • March 11, 2022

    There are times when it feels like God isn't paying attention to the things that are going on here on earth. The author of Psalm 74 felt this way too and begged God to reach down and help those who were being mistreated and oppressed. When we feel like the world is in chaos and [...]

  • March 10, 2022

    I love when God speaks to me in new ways. Have you ever been reading a passage of Scripture that you've read a number of times before, but something new stands out to you, and you feel like you're reading it for the first time? That happened to me today. Sometimes I start to skim [...]

  • March 9, 2022

    The builder surveyed the land eagerly. His arms were strong for the task, his mind sharp. Every builder knew a strong foundation was the most crucial element, and this house was no exception. Jars of cement mixtures labeled in colorful script glinted in the morning sunlight, begging to be chosen. The builder gripped a jar [...]

  • March 8, 2022

    "It's over!” The shocking words crush you. “I'm breaking up with you.” Your emotions are in turmoil. What can you do? First of all, don't bottle up the suffering, as this is damaging in the long term. Instead, acknowledge your pain. Take time to adjust. People tend to respond to breakups in a few different [...]

  • March 7, 2022

    Joseph is only seventeen when his story begins—and he is having serious problems! Joseph is the youngest of eleven brothers and his father's favorite. Even before their father has a colorful coat made just for Joseph, his brothers clearly hate him. Maybe the way Joseph talks about his “special” dreams is simply the last straw. [...]

  • March 6, 2022

    Guilt is hard. Sometimes, Satan will try to convince us that we are guilty of something terrible when we really aren't. This “bad guilt” tells us the lie that we are irredeemable, unlovable people. We can become discouraged and paralyzed, unable to do anything good. But in these times, we can come to Jesus, give [...]

  • March 5, 2022

    There will always be people who bring you down, and you can choose one of two responses: revenge or love. Some people say hate your enemies, but Jesus calls us to love and pray for our enemies—like He did. When Jesus was submitting Himself to die on the cross, there were people mocking Him, beating [...]

  • March 4, 2022

    Fleeing from my mind, My fractured soul How far I run I do not know. Attacking my heart, Emotions, burning Branding me within, Fear inside churning. Alone, I shout out, “LORD, HELP ME,” Falling down, I pray, “Jesus, please save me,” Silence until My tears tumbling down, Barriers crumble within, Peace is found. Fragmented soul [...]

  • March 3, 2022

    Their opinion meant the world to me. Their acceptance was what I craved. Their attention was what I longed for. I was an outsider with the popular girls. They laughed at me, not with me. They talked about me, not to me. Their rejection was the framework I built my self-worth on. I was nothing [...]

  • March 2, 2022

    I pulled the borrowed blue coat tighter around me and followed our guide. I hadn't expected the weather in Iceland to feel so cold in May. After graduating from college, I'd ministered for a year in Romania and then returned to my hometown. When my younger brother completed his own degree, we went on a [...]