Unlocked Archives

  • August 19, 2022

    Perfect timing!” I exclaim as my family walks in the door just as I finish baking cookies. Usually, “perfect timing” is what we say when things happen when we want them to, at our convenience, according to our planning and preferences. But what about when things don't work out according to our timing or terms? [...]

  • August 17, 2022

    “I'm afraid my cousin is dying,” I confessed with a catch in my voice. I clutched my Bible as I sat in an upstairs room in our church building with a small group of young adults. The class leader had called for prayer requests before he led into that day's study. While holding back tears, [...]

  • August 15, 2022

    "Gone. Passed away,” Distorted, disturbing words. Swallowing back painStinging eyes, blurred. I think of you. Gone! Stumbling away, Heart pounding. I can't talk Searching a quiet space, To silence my thoughts.I think of you.Gone. I didn't know you Your dreams, your hopes But your loss rips through Deep within my soul.I think of you.Gone. A [...]

  • August 13, 2022

    Did you know that you are gifted? When you become a follower of Christ, He gives you at least one spiritual gift to edify the body of believers. In Romans 12, Paul wrote to the church in Rome and reminded them of God's love for them and of the different gifts they were given. These [...]

  • August 11, 2022

    King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered Judah and relocated some of the Jewish people to Babylon. God gave special wisdom to three of these young men—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They impressed the king, and he placed them in positions of authority. All was well until the king built a golden statue. Everyone was ordered to fall [...]

  • August 9, 2022

    I recently planted sunflowers and realized the nature of the great outdoors reflects God's nature. Consider the seasons: there's an objective order to them—it's always hottest in the summer, and birds migrate to warmer places in the fall. There's a rightand wrong time for things to happen. Yet there's also a flexibility. For example, there [...]

  • August 7, 2022

    During the summer after finishing high school, I had the opportunity to fulfill a dream: leading my all-state marching band as drum major. Along with other musicians and dancers in this group, I flew for many hours across many states to Honolulu, Hawaii. Once there, we performed in multiple venues and enjoyed free time in [...]

  • August 5, 2022

    Before, I used to think I was weak. I was not proud of myself. I looked down on myself because of my imperfections. I did not consider myself beautiful, talented, significant, or important. I had a broken family. I was lacking. I envied people. I thought I was not loveable or likable.How do you see [...]

  • August 3, 2022

    I've been to many funerals. I've yet to see the deceased rise up from the coffin and thank me for coming. I suppose there are scenes like this in horror movies, but movie-makers have ways of making you believe things like that can actually happen. Jesus was never in a movie, but He used His [...]

  • August 1, 2022

    Have you ever asked a question and received an answer that began, “Well, in a perfect world ”? What would your perfect world be like? No pain or sorrow? Everything beautiful and fun?When God made the world, He made everything good. There was beauty everywhere, and no pain anywhere. Adam and Eve were placed in [...]