Unlocked Archives

  • October 13, 2022

    I confess the things I did. And the things I didn't do but should have done. I confess letting anger explode And bitterness smolder inside. I confess that I strayed off the path of following you. I missed the mark of the goodness you planned for me. I lay down my pride and envy, selfishness [...]

  • October 11, 2022

    Not five days had passed since we began our journey, and already we had seen trouble. My brother and I dragged our tired bodies down the road, our dented swords hanging limply in their scabbards and our stomachs moaning with hunger. I remembered how Supreme Agape told us that we would have troubles—many of them—and [...]

  • October 9, 2022

    Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” Did you know you can read this verse many times, and it can reflect something a bit different each time? This happens if you emphasize a different word each time you read the verse. When the word “The” is emphasized, it highlights how He is THE Lord. [...]

  • October 7, 2022

    Years back, I shared a house with a friend. This friend had a niece who also lived with us. For some reason, this girl harbored a dislike for me. Whenever something went wrong in the house, she was quick to point out that I was the one responsible when, in fact, I was innocent. This [...]

  • October 6, 2022

    We live in a culture that's full of division—division that leads to differences in ideas, differences in politics, and even to war. We hear terms like cultural warfare, cancel culture, and cultural bias. These phrases are interlaced when it comes to decisions about education, voting rights, safety, and health. It can feel like there are [...]

  • October 3, 2022

    A big bowl of stew is a comforting food when you're hungry on a cold day. It's a great meal to share...unless you put poisonous ingredients in it! If you like strange stories, today's reading is one of the strangest ones in the Bible. During a famine, a hungry guy finds gourds and throws them [...]

  • October 1, 2022

    Have you ever been on the brink of a major transition? New schools, new jobs, new homes, new friends—these changes can be good, but they can also be painful. People might ask you how you're feeling, but it can be hard to put those feelings into words. Transitions can be bitter and sweet, all at [...]

  • September 29, 2022

    At a young age, I was afraid of God. I grew up being taught that God is perfect and would be angry at me when I commit a sin or break His commandments. I had learned that God, in His anger toward me when I sin, would punish me. And it's true that, in Scripture, [...]

  • September 27, 2022

    If you've been dating someone for a while and you really like them, you may start asking yourself, “Is this love? How do I know?” The Bible has tons to say about loves of all kinds, including romantic, friendship, and familial. The Bible also says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). Jesus demonstrated God's [...]

  • September 25, 2022

    God knows why things are happening the way they are in our lives and in this world. We can look at everything going on around us and wonder how it's all going to make sense in the end. We can see bad things taking place and wonder if God might be surprised or if those [...]