Unlocked Archives

  • February 2, 2021

    We've all seen it: a discussion going quickly from friendly to heated in the comments section. Even other Christians on social media can be rude, quick to argue, and mean-spirited. When someone insults you, is your initial desire to offer a worse insult? Mine frequently is. The world encourages us to lean into selfishness and [...]

  • February 1, 2021

    Maybe you've heard, “You're so talented in sports, or music, or school, or fill-in- the-blank.” We all have our own unique gifts: some may be very obvious, and others may be harder to spot. For example, I am writing this devotion. I never thought that I was any good at writing or that anyone would [...]

  • January 29, 2021

    Faith. That's a word I've heard a lot lately. I've talked about it with my friends in a Bible study. I've talked about it in the Sunday school lessons I've taught. I've thought about it a lot. Faith. What is it? And do I have it? The first thing that comes to my mind when [...]

  • January 27, 2021

    How can you share the good news of Jesus in a good way? How can you share your beliefs without sounding too pushy or judgmental? If you struggle with this, think about Jesus and the way He shared His good news. Jesus healed the sick, caring for peoples' earthly needs to show them He had [...]

  • January 25, 2021

    ***Today's devotion tells the story of Acts 3-4 through the eyes of Tobiah, a fictionalized character of the man who was healed.*** Tobiah sat at the temple gate, his legs curled to the side as he begged. He'd prayed for years, yet he still couldn't walk. Why was God silent? Tobiah ached for an answer. [...]

  • January 23, 2021

    The ring of clashing swords echoed throughout the hall, only to be cut short by the ominous sound of shattering steel. I could see my enemy's mocking sneer from beneath his helmet. I turned away to retrieve a new sword, my cheeks flushed with shame. It wasn't the first time this had happened. Over and [...]

  • January 20, 2021

    I get super nervous whenever I talk about politics. My whole body feels like I'm preparing for battle. But Jesus has been helping me view these discussions differently: to see these conversations as opportunities to love my neighbor by practicing empathy, humility, and compassion. He's shown me there are people who love Him and His [...]

  • January 18, 2021

    As far as we would like to think we've come, injustice still takes place in every corner of our world. We hear the cries of a black man begging to breathe under the knee of a white officer who is supposed to uphold justice, and it breaks our hearts. We read of people being sold [...]

  • January 16, 2021

    When was the last time you encountered a difficult person to love? What made that person difficult? And how did you respond to them? When you encounter difficult people, you might wonder, "How in the world can I respond to this person in a way that shows God's grace?" God's grace is beautiful and powerful [...]

  • January 14, 2021

    Exodus is a continuation of the story begun in Genesis, written by the same author (Moses) and for the same audience (Israel). Whereas Genesis relates to Israel's earliest beginnings, Exodus follows the growing nation. It is primarily a rescue story: God rescuing His people from slavery in Egypt, bringing them to freedom with Him as [...]