Unlocked Archives

  • June 2, 2021

    People tend to talk about peer pressure as if it only affects teenagers, but the truth is, it doesn't magically go away once you turn twenty. And because peer pressure will always be a part of life, it's important that we learn how to deal with it well. Why are we as humans so easily [...]

  • May 31, 2021

    The corpse lay still and silent as maggots wriggled and writhed along its curves and crevices. If it could have tasted anything, it would have recoiled at the pungent mucus seeping into the pores of its tongue. If it could have heard anything, its ears would have strained for the slightest sound in the deep, [...]

  • May 29, 2021

    I. was saddened this past week when I heard about someone who had been a strong Christian all their life but didn't feel God for the past few months and now wasn't sure about God or their faith anymore. Now, I want to clarify. Doubt is a normal part of faith, and everyone goes through [...]

  • May 28, 2021

    Omniscience. Hard to say and even harder to spell, but it basically means “all knowing” and it's often referred to as an attribute of God. It seems like a pretty simple concept: “God knows everything.” But why is that important? First, God's knowledge is infinite. This may seem obvious, but the more you think about [...]

  • May 25, 2021

    God is the author of peace who gives to those who seek Him. But the enemy hates peace and tries to steal it. The good news is, the enemy is a liar. God gives us truth in His word, and He helps us stand firm (Ephesians 6:14). An opponent of peace is fear. But if [...]

  • May 23, 2021

    Stephen died for his faith. Because Stephen performed signs in Jesus' name and shared the gospel, some of the Jews seized him and testified against him. Instead of defending himself, Stephen took the opportunity to share God's story. And then he called the Sanhedrin (probably some of the same Jewish religious leaders who sentenced Jesus [...]

  • May 21, 2021

    When everything else is in chaos, God remains the same. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the One we can cling to when we feel afraid, or when things aren't working out like we hoped. When we lose someone close to us, we can go to God for comfort (2 [...]

  • May 19, 2021

    "You never listen to me! You never do what I ask.” “Well, you're always nagging me!” Carter had come home from school to his parents yelling at each other again and, even an hour later, it was still going on. “Can you guys please stop arguing?” Carter said. “I can't even concentrate on my homework.” [...]

  • May 17, 2021

    Standing on top of a massive boulder in the Hoodoos of Yellowstone, I felt like I was on top of the world. Fog wrapped around the mountains and hills surrounding me, cloaking the morning in beauty. As solid as the rock under my feet was, I knew it had been broken off from a surrounding [...]

  • May 15, 2021

    It's so hard to know what to do. Life is complicated, and sometimes it can be hard to know if we're doing the right thing. To know if we're doing enough. There are definitely times when we need to take action, but there are also times when there's nothing we can do except get on [...]