Unlocked Archives

  • January 22, 2022

    My Gran collected crystal animal ornaments. They would be on display in the living room looking ordinary most of the time, until the sun shone on them. Immediately the sun's rays transformed the crystals—prisms of light would radiate across the room in dazzling displays of color. All the crystals had needed was the sun to [...]

  • January 20, 2022

    Growing up in my village with my parents was a joyful and fulfilling experience. But I realize now that there are many things I did not bother to observe keenly during those years. My mum reared some local chickens at home, but I did not take an interest in observing their behavior. Years later, as [...]

  • January 18, 2022

    Have you ever been the target of a bully? In today's passage, Daniel gets a dose of what a bully with clout can do. About two years have passed since Daniel and his friends were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar as teens. Now, something else occurs that places them in grave danger: Nebuchadnezzar has a [...]

  • January 16, 2022

    A paradox is a phrase that seems to be self-contradictory, backward, and impossible—like “less is more” or “this sentence is false.” Paradoxes might seem confusing, but they make you think and often reveal deep, important truths. The gospel, which is the good news of Jesus, is a story full of opposites, and the book of [...]

  • January 14, 2022

    My favorite verse in the Bible is Jeremiah 1:5. This is what God said to Jeremiah when He called him to be a prophet: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Just like with [...]

  • January 12, 2022

    I worry, a lot. I worry about mistakes I've made in the past, and I worry about the future. I worry that my actions and insensitivities may have hurt people I care about. I worry that I have not handled my responsibilities well enough. I worry that I say the wrong things, or that I [...]

  • January 10, 2022

    Filling a basin with water in the upper room, our Lord Jesus Christ washed the feet of His disciples. He then tenderly dried each foot with a towel He had hung around His waist. This included the two feet belonging to Judas. Christ knew Judas would betray Him in a few hours. Still, He washed [...]

  • January 8, 2022

    People make promises but often fail to fulfill them. Sometimes people change their minds about the promises they've made, or lie about them, or even forget they made a promise at all. Other times, promises are broken because of human limitations or unforeseen circumstances. There are many reasons people cannot always be depended upon to [...]

  • January 6, 2022

    When anyone becomes a Christian, it's easy to become despondent when suddenly things go wrong. The dreams you had of walking in Jesus's footsteps and showing others what He's like can quickly turn sour when you lose your temper or do something you later regret. When this happens, don't give up or despair. It's easy [...]

  • January 4, 2022

    When difficulties come, it's easy to give in to worry and fear. When problems arise, we can find ourselves shaken, beaten, and hurt. The Israelites experienced this when God was rescuing them from slavery. They were stuck between the Red Sea and the Pharaoh's army. But Moses told the Israelites, “The Lord will fight for [...]