Unlocked Archives

  • April 14, 2022

    Have you ever heard of hyssop? Hyssop is a plant with long, hairy leaves that grew in ancient Israel. And it shows up several times in the Bible. First, in Exodus 12:21-22, God tells the Israelites to dip hyssop branches in lamb's blood and spread it on their doorframes during the first Passover. This happened [...]

  • April 12, 2022

    Out of all the animals mentioned in the Bible (and there are over one hundred), sheep are the stars. They are found in the book of Genesis on through to Revelation. They are led by shepherds who go ahead of the sheep, calling them to follow. Their babies are lambs. In the Old Testament, God [...]

  • April 10, 2022

    Christians around the world celebrate the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ as we remember Jesus riding on a donkey into the city of Jerusalem. This is popularly known as “Palm Sunday,” because the people went out to meet Him with palm branches, and it is exactly one week before we celebrate Jesus's resurrection [...]

  • April 8, 2022

    Aurelia looked at the tattered map in her hand, then up at the mountain. This was it. The place she had been searching for all her life, ever since she had heard the tales of the lost treasure of Cordoro as a little girl. According to the legend, the inhabitants of Cordoro had traveled far [...]

  • April 6, 2022

    We have friends who have prayed for a miracle for years. But they haven't yet received their miracle. They haven't heard an answer from God. Why do some people get miracles, while others seem to spend their lives waiting? It's easy to feel like God answers some prayers and ignores others. But what if our [...]

  • April 4, 2022

    I examined the scroll. The instructions were clear, but sometimes hard to interpret. I nodded my head confidently as I rolled up the scroll and stuffed it into my satchel. I would need to make my way through the Whispering Forest, cross Chelsey's Chasm on the second bridge, then travel through the Ash Trenches. Simple [...]

  • April 2, 2022

    Sometimes, I wonder how God loves me so much. Me. A “normal” person. A messed-up person. A person who sins. What have I done to deserve what He gives me? How can I show Him how much His love means to me? The Bible talks about God “quieting” us with His love (Zephaniah 3:17). When [...]

  • March 31, 2022

    Do you wake up at night worried sick about the future? You are not alone. Fear and anxiety are rife. Stress has become a natural ingredient in peoples' lives, regardless of their age. News from around the world provides a daily diet of issues to worry about. Communities and families all bring different problems. Concerns [...]

  • March 29, 2022

    "There's no time,” the voice on the radio says. “You must come now.” I look around the cockpit of the spaceship—my spaceship. The control station, the thick, curved glass of the windows, the sleek engines quietly humming in the hull below—all of it is my design. I spent years building this spacecraft, painstakingly attending to [...]

  • March 27, 2022

    In the book of Genesis, Joseph was the favorite son of Israel, also known as Jacob. And his brothers hated him because of it. One day, they did an evil thing to Joseph and threw him into a cistern. Joseph pleaded for his life (Genesis 42:21), but they cruelly sold him as a slave to [...]