Unlocked Archives

  • December 8, 2022

    Imagine feeling so certain that if you did one simple thing, you'd have your deepest desire fulfilled. What if that desire was to be healed from years of suffering? And what if, after spending all you had on doctors, you heard about someone who could heal you, even when doctors couldn't? This is the story [...]

  • February 20, 2022

    I was a very shy kid and struggled to fit in at school. At home, my older brother teased me endlessly. Yet, I knew my family loved me. I also knew Jesus loved me and was always with me. By middle school I was also teased at school because I was tall and my pants [...]

  • November 25, 2021

    It was the end of my freshman year in college when I got a glimpse of what it looks like to give thanks to God in all circumstances and to be content with His gifts. I'd been feeling sorry for myself because all my friends were off on spring break. Even my family was on [...]