Unlocked Archives

  • May 22, 2021

    In England during the 1800s, prisoners were taken far away from their home and sent to Australia. If you committed a crime, a judge could sentence you to punishment in Australia. At that time, few people in England knew where Australia was. Later, some people started calling it the continent “Down Under” since the southern [...]

  • March 7, 2021

    Within hours of King Ahaziah's death, Athaliah, the queen mother, had seized absolute power. No one in Ahaziah's line was strong enough to oppose her; after all, she had the royal bodyguard on her side. Jehosheba, the king's sister, sprinted through the palace, the terror of death in her eyes. She threw open the door [...]

  • January 24, 2021

    ***Jesus came to earth to save us, dwelling with us even while we were His enemies in sin (John 1:1-14; Romans 5:8-10). As Christians, we remember this when we interact with those we disagree with. Today's devotion shares the story of Roger Williams, a Christian who advocated for religious freedom—even for those he disagreed with.*** [...]