Unlocked Archives

  • December 29, 2020

    Editor's Note: Today's devotion discusses depression, suicide, and other mental health struggles. Tears distorted my view of the road as I cried out to God. Depression and embarrassment weighed heavily on me as I remembered how I had “lost it” in front of camp counselors. Unable to gain control of my emotions, I packed up [...]

  • December 25, 2020

    Do you know the story behind your name? Anticipating the arrival of a baby is an exciting event for families, and choosing a name is part of the fun. Some parents name their children after other family members. Others choose a name that has a special meaning. This was the case in Bible times, including [...]

  • June 8, 2020

    "The sheep are too close to the road!” I said to my husband while on our daily walk, which took us past a field where we frequently saw sheep grazing. However, on this day, the green grass near the road enticed them into dangerous territory: the yard between the shepherd's house and a busy road. [...]