Unlocked Archives

  • March 29, 2022

    "There's no time,” the voice on the radio says. “You must come now.” I look around the cockpit of the spaceship—my spaceship. The control station, the thick, curved glass of the windows, the sleek engines quietly humming in the hull below—all of it is my design. I spent years building this spacecraft, painstakingly attending to [...]

  • December 21, 2021

    READ: ISAIAH 9:6; MATTHEW 2:1-2, 9-11 For as long as Sahine could remember, the world had been at war. For years she had defended her small kingdom against the fierce advances of the Hadyssian empire, and so far they had remained free, as had her sisters’ kingdoms to the north and to the south. But [...]

  • July 6, 2021

    Welcome to the newly established eternal kingdom of Yahweh, Almighty God and Creator of Heaven and Earth. He has restored His creation and made all things well. Today, He commands the immediate removal of any items that have been rendered useless and obsolete. All items listed below should be turned in to the nearest Pruning [...]

  • May 31, 2021

    The corpse lay still and silent as maggots wriggled and writhed along its curves and crevices. If it could have tasted anything, it would have recoiled at the pungent mucus seeping into the pores of its tongue. If it could have heard anything, its ears would have strained for the slightest sound in the deep, [...]

  • May 8, 2021

    "You sure you want to do this?” the man behind the desk asks me, hoping I will change my mind. I nod. “Yep. Sure do.” The man rubs his temples, clearly agitated. “It's my duty to tell you this is not a good idea. It's taken you years to save this much money. If you [...]

  • April 22, 2021

    A cup of coffee in one hand and her Bible in the other, Kalpana padded out onto the porch in her slippers to watch the sunrise. She sat down and took a noisy slurp of coffee, then leaned back and listened as a light breeze rustled through the trees. It was still dark, but a [...]

  • July 27, 2020

    Imagine you're in a superstore full of what the Bible calls “good works”—all the things you've been told you need to be as a Christian. "Kind" "helpful" "loving" "always willing to bring potato salad to the church potluck." You've been hearing how you need to be these things all your life—from your parents, teachers, pastors— [...]

  • November 23, 2019

    READ: MARK 7:20-23; ROMANS 3:10-18, 23-24; 1 TIMOTHY 1:15-16 It didn’t matter how good people tried to make themselves look. The mirror never lied. Not to Amiah. She could see a person’s true image in their reflection. And what she saw were monsters. She didn’t know why no one else saw them, but the monsters [...]