Unlocked Archives

  • December 14, 2019

    READ: ROMANS 8:11, 22-23; 1 THESSALONIANS 4:13-18 Grief is the way we process when something very bad has happened. Death is the result of sin, and it is so bad that God’s Word calls it “the last enemy” (Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:26). Death is not the way it is supposed to be, and so [...]

  • November 10, 2019

    READ: PSALM 44:23-26; REVELATION 21:1-5 It’s a great question and worth thinking about. Let’s start with what we know about God and our world. God is good and is working all things for His good purposes (Psalm 34:8; Romans 8:28). His timing is different from ours, but it is perfect (2 Peter 3:8-9). We are [...]