Unlocked Archives

  • March 2, 2023

    Ever struggled to focus on reading the Bible? You're not alone! Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite ways to read and focus on God's Word. It's called "lectio divina," which is Latin for “divine reading.” . This practice was used by Christians long before it was common for individuals to be [...]

  • January 25, 2023

    Who helped you understand the love of Jesus? For me, it was a woman I'll call “Amelia,” a youth group leader I had at church. She provided conversation, encouragement, water, food, and sometimes a place to sleep if someone's own home wasn't a safe place. To be honest, I remember her practical care more clearly [...]

  • January 17, 2023

    I love mosaics—pictures made of tiny pieces of random materials, arranged together on some type of canvas. It could be a literal canvas made of cloth stretched over a wood frame, or a cement paving stone, or even a wall or ceiling. I think what I love most about mosaics is that you can make [...]

  • January 6, 2023

    I have a confession. I used to hate the people who disagreed with me politically. It's understandable to feel strongly about how we practice politics. Voting and activism have the potential to bring about much good in our communities. Politics can also be incredibly scary because we're often dealing with life-and-death issues that affect us [...]

  • August 10, 2022

    How do you feel about libraries? They're one of my favorite places! As the library doors swoosh open, I love breathing in the familiar scent of book pages and seeing the colorful spines lined along the shelves. I don't even have a favorite section; I love them all—from history to literature to comparative religion to [...]

  • November 3, 2020

    God is very good, and He wants us to know Him. He shows—or reveals—who He is to us in two ways. First, He created the universe and filled it with good things. Even though our world is broken by the effects of sin, everything in creation was created good and that goodness remains and points [...]

  • March 31, 2020

    What does Jesus want me to do with my life? Have you ever asked that question? I know I have. There's so much pressure to know what you're going to do before you even leave home. And at the same time—both a blessing and a curse—there are so many options. It's honestly anxiety-inducing. What if [...]

  • January 28, 2020

    Have mercy on me, O God. For I have sinned against You. Will you rip up the rage Within my heart of dirt, And plant in its place love, The nutrient of ruined earth? Against You, against Your image-bearers, I have injected venom, Poisoning another's heart-soil In casting seeds of seething words, Reaping anything but [...]

  • December 31, 2019

    "My best years are behind me.” I know I've whispered or shouted that lie to myself in times of transition—a new school, a new job, a new schedule. One of the most stinging times I remember was when I was about to go to college. I was leaving behind my beloved hometown, church family, and [...]

  • December 18, 2019

    READ: ROMANS 8:11, 22-23; REVELATION 21:1-5 Sometimes things are a little out of place—a bit caddywhompus. For example, as I was shopping in the frozen foods section at the grocery store, a funny sight caught my eye: mingled among the frozen bacon were a dinosaur, a tiger, and a deer. While it was obvious that [...]