The Dark Chapters

Author: Cindy Lee — Host: Dylan KraayenbrinkPosted on: June 24, 2024

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Dark Chapters

READ: PSALMS 13:1-6; 37:23-24; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16-18

Are you going through a really difficult time? Do you wonder if there’s a way out? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed with grief, anger, or frustration. When we’re in the middle of painful situations, it can seem like they’re never-ending.

Will the hurt ever pass? Is this it? Am I trapped like this forever? We may ask ourselves, Who can help me? Why doesn’t anyone understand?

These questions are totally natural when we’re going through an intense season. Everyone has what I call the “dark chapters” in their lives. Some last hours, days, weeks, or even years. They can be excruciating. But all is not lost.

The world we live in has been broken by sin, and with it comes imperfection, failures, and trials…but we don’t suffer alone. We have a heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally, more than anyone can comprehend (Ephesians 3:19). He sent His Son, Jesus, to be God with us (Matthew 1:23). Jesus lived as a human, and He personally understands all the hurts and sorrows of life. Jesus willingly died on the cross for our sins and rose again, so everyone who trusts in Him can become God’s child. In every dark chapter, we can know that Jesus is with us, and we can look forward to the day He will return and make all things new and whole.

Even when we think God is far away, He is with us, guiding us. And He can bring good even out of terrible situations (Romans 8:28). Just look at the Bible—so many people went through incredible personal challenges. But in the midst of the dark chapters of our lives, God invites us to cry out to Him and honestly lament our pain—this is why we have so many amazing lament psalms written by people like King David. Time and time again, God meets His people with His compassionate love and brings hope, even to situations that seem hopeless.

So, if you are currently struggling, remember that these moments will not last forever. They are episodes, chapters, life segments…but not the whole picture. • Cindy Lee

• What kinds of difficult things have you gone through? How have you seen God bring hope?

• Are you in a “dark chapter” right now? In addition to talking to God, who can you be honest with about what you’re experiencing? If you are in danger, tell a trusted adult right away.

• Do you know anyone who is going through a difficult chapter in their life right now? How could you come alongside them today, perhaps through prayer, listening, or helping them?

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. Romans 8:18 (NLT)