The Beast

Author: Linnae Conkel — Host: Emily TenterPosted on: October 31, 2021

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Beast

Ash rained from the sky like a grim snow, the crimson lands desolate. A permanent red haze stained the horizon, darker than the sunrise. I could only guess it was time for the sun to rise. I hadn’t seen the actual sun for years; ash and the ubiquitous red glow of the beast choked out the beautiful golden orb. “But no longer,” I thought. I adjusted my armor—the armor He gave me from His very own armory. His words echoed in my head, “I will be with you always.” I tapped my scabbard. It was time the beast fell. I strode down the dusty road out of town, eyes set unwavering on the mountains the beast had claimed as its home. Soon the road crumbled into dry stone fragments, the red-brown sands slipping through their cracks like lava. The path became steep until all around me was mountain. And then there it was: the beast’s cavern. As I approached, the beast grinned in welcoming. “Hello, child. Are you bored?” Its eyes turned red, and a red mist spilled from its lips. “Come—let me entertain you.” My eyes widened, and I cringed as the mist hit my armor. But nothing happened—my thoughts remained clear. “He protected me, just like He said He would,” I thought with a smile. The cocky curl in its lip turned to a snarl. “You wear His armor. Traitor!” The beast lunged. But, as if I was guided by an invisible hand, I dodged nimbly, then I felt my sword swing—hard. The blade ripped open the beast’s scaly chest and a terrible scream opened its maw. The beast collapsed to the red stone, body shuddering with every breath. “You think you’re safe?” the beast rasped. “My master will send more beasts to your land. Bigger! Stronger!” “I know.” I sheathed the sword. Stared down at the dying beast. “But I now serve a new Master—one who defeated you, and He will bring an end to your master as well.” The beast laughed. “We’ll see.” Despite its confident words, a slight glimmer of doubt sparked in its eyes. I turned and walked out of the cavern, hope beginning to thump in tune to my heart. On the horizon, the red haze and ash dimmed, revealing the golden glow of the sun. • Linnae Conkel • This story is an allegory of how God is stronger than all the powers of darkness, and through Jesus, He equips us to stand firm when the enemy tries to lead us away from Him. • Did you know the armor in Ephesians 6 is like the Messiah’s armor in the Old Testament (Isaiah 59 and elsewhere)? How might it give you comfort to know that Jesus is the One who defeats evil? How might it give you courage to know that His death and resurrection have secured His victory? • In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul talks about the spiritual armor God equips Christians with to help us stand against the enemy’s schemes. What do the six pieces of this armor signify? • Have you ever felt like the enemy was attacking you or clouding your judgment? You can bring these battles to Jesus by submitting to God and resisting the devil (James 4:7-10). As we align ourselves with God’s truth, He protects us from the lies of the enemy. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Ephesians 6:10-Ephesians 6:20; Colossians 1:12-Colossians 1:14; James 4:7-James 4:10