Valley of Prayers

Author: Cindy Lee — Host: Andrew StevensPosted on: August 15, 2021

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Valley of Prayers

“God, why can’t you hear my prayers?” I shout, storming into nowhere. “Why did Mom have to leave us?” Clenching my fists, I start to run. The brilliant sun dazzles me, except it isn’t the sun but a man who shines like lightning, standing in front of me. “Jordan,” the man says my name. His compassion dissolves my anger, and he continues. “You think God isn’t listening to your prayers, but it isn’t true.” “How do you know!” I try to say, but the words stick in my throat. My hands tremble. “Don’t be afraid, Jordan. Trust.” My body is weightless, floating until I’m in a deep valley filled with vibrant flowers. Waterfalls cascade down the hill. Butterflies mingle. Melodies echo. “This is the valley of prayers. Jesus receives them, and God hears them all,” he says. “Some prayers are songs, some are flowers growing up to heaven, others are tearful waterfalls and sweet perfumes. All are answered. God knows what’s best, whether it’s a yes, a no, or gifts of courage and comfort.” “Where are my prayers?” I ask and suddenly hear the echo of my voice begging God for Mom to come back. Prayers like raindrops falling into the waterfall. “No one knows why God answers the way He does. But He loves you, and He will never leave you. Remember that when all was lost, He sent His Son, Jesus, to heal humanity’s brokenness and save everyone who puts their trust in Him. No matter what happens, know this: Jesus will walk with you through this journey. Even when you think Jesus isn’t there, He is with you through His Word and His Spirit inside you, giving you strength and caring for your hurts as you seek Him.” Tears blur my vision. “Oh, Jesus, help me trust you,” I pray. “Help me through this.” A flower sprouts at my feet; I stare at it in wonder. Then the man says, “He will. Don’t be troubled, Jordan. God has a wonderful plan for you. Remain hopeful. He cherishes you.” I stay bathed in beauty and love for what feels like moments before floating back up to earth. My body is refreshed. The sun fades beneath the horizon as I walk back home, but there is peace in my soul. • Cindy Lee • Do you ever feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers? • What is troubling your heart today? God cares, and He waits eagerly for you to come to Him. Even now He is working His plan of renewal (John 5:17), and He will make all things fully right when Jesus returns. Until then, He promises to be with us through all the heartaches of life. • Are you waiting for the answer to a prayer? Do not be afraid. God listens. He has heard your cry, and He will help you whatever the outcome is. How might knowing that God hears you affect the way you pray? You shall call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12 (WEB)


Read Verses:

Psalm 31:22; 56:8; 66:19-20; Romans 8:26
