Unlocked Archives: Bible-based fiction

  • December 2, 2021

    "State your name and business,” the guard at the gate of the prison ordered. “And be quick about it!” Onesiphorus swallowed hard. “My name is Onesiphorus, and I am seeking Paul of Tarsus. Can you tell me where he is?” The soldier narrowed his eyes. “Are you an accomplice of this Paul? He is our [...]

  • October 19, 2021

    Music and laughter filled the air, but Jamesh's heart was filled with darkness. He jabbed the shovel into the ground, vigorously ripping up the soil. “He runs away for months,” Jamesh growled, “squandering his inheritance and acting like a pig, while I stay here and work. And when he comes home, Father throws a party!” [...]

  • October 7, 2021

    Tears fall freely down my face as I stoop to gaze into this hole of death. I came early in the morning because this tomb holds the body of my Lord or did. I let my knees hit the ground at the entrance of the hollowed-out rock, let sobs shake my body. Suddenly, a burning [...]

  • October 6, 2021

    She was tormented by demons. Mary, a woman of Magdalene or so she had once been called. Now she knew herself by a different name: possessed, enslaved, hopeless. She tried to fight the darkness. Countless times she ran from its grip, but the demons were always faster. "Weak," they cackled at her efforts. You're ours [...]

  • December 19, 2019

    READ: 2 CHRONICLES 34:29-33; ROMANS 12:1-2 "King Josiah!” Shaphan, the scribe, said as he burst into the palace. “We found this book in the temple. I’ve never read anything like this—if it’s true, then woe for Jerusalem!” “Read it to me,” said Josiah. Shaphan did, and then Josiah tore his robes and wept! What Shaphan [...]

  • December 2, 2019

    READ: GENESIS 12:1-9 I grunted as I gazed at the viewport. Black space. Tiny white dots in the distance. Nothing new here. I side-eyed Dad. This was his fault. He acted like he knew where we were going. Dad, a seasoned commander, looked up from the blinking lights of the console. “Still not speaking to [...]

  • November 30, 2019

    READ: PSALM 32:1-7; HEBREWS 4:14-16 Kalie walked down a long, dark hall that seemed to be going uphill, carrying a load so heavy that it made her back ache. She was out of breath and thinking about giving up when she finally reached the end of the hall. There, she found a room bathed in [...]