The Road to Jericho Part 2

Author: Lauren N. Simmons — Host: Emily TenterPosted on: May 27, 2021

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Road to Jericho Part 2

Joshua was unable to cry out for help, but he could have burst for joy when he saw a man in priests’ garb walking towards him. The Road to Jericho was quite narrow, and Joshua lay exposed right beside it. There was no missing him. Joshua stretched out his hand and tried to speak, but the priest merely edged around him and went on with his business. “Oh, I’m invisible again,” Joshua thought. Hours later, a Levite walked by. Joshua stretched out his hand, but the Levite stepped right past. Joshua watched him walk away, farther down the winding road, and then Joshua swore he could see this man reach to tear off his garment where Joshua had touched it. Joshua blinked. “Am I invisible or not? At this point, am I even alive? Am I real?” Later still, Joshua saw another man—a Samaritan—approaching the spot where he lay. Joshua didn’t stretch himself out; he couldn’t try anymore. “I’m done for,” he thought. “I’m dying here.” Joshua felt himself being lifted up. “What’s happening?” he wondered. He felt wine and oil being poured on his torn flesh, his wounds being bandaged. Joshua didn’t remember what happened after that, but he woke up in a comfortable bed. He saw a man in the opposite corner of the room, making food. “Where am I?” Joshua asked. “An inn in Jericho. A Samaritan brought you yesterday. He had to leave but gave us good pay to look after you. Two days wages. He took excellent care of you.” “And I thought I was invisible. A good Samaritan, of all things.” • Lauren N. Simmons • This story is inspired by a parable Jesus told. At that time in history, many Jews hated Samaritans based on centuries of national, religious, and ethnic strife. They couldn’t imagine any good coming from a Samaritan. But in Jesus’ parable, a Samaritan showed mercy when Jewish religious leaders didn’t. Why do you think Jesus told the parable this way? • Read John 4:1-43. What did Jesus do when He saw a Samaritan woman? • How might it affect your relationship with Jesus if it’s true He really sees us—with all our desperate needs and all our shortcomings—and loves us so much that He would rescue us? How might this affect your relationships with others? “But a Samaritan on his journey came up to him, and when he saw the man, he had compassion. He went over to him and bandaged his wounds and took care of him.” Luke 10:33-34 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Luke 10:25-37; Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 2:13-22