The Book of Esther: God Is Working

Author: Naomi Zylstra — Host: Natty AndersonPosted on: October 16, 2024

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Book of Esther: God Is Working


The book of Esther takes place during the time the Israelites were exiled in Persia. It follows a group of Israelite people living away from their homeland. Not only are they far away from home, this group of captives is living in the capital city of the Persian Empire, Susa.

This book of the Bible is unique from the rest of the Bible because God is not mentioned in the whole book. But since the Bible is God’s story, shouldn’t He be mentioned at least once? The book of Esther does not mention God by name, but the whole point of the book is to show the reader how God works in His peoples’ lives. The story of Esther is full of God’s handiwork and plans, from Esther being chosen to become the new queen and gaining the king’s favor so that he eventually spares her people, to the way the wicked Haman’s plan to destroy the Jews all unravels and Haman himself ends up being put to death. Mordecai, Esther’s uncle who Haman wanted to kill, is even elevated to take Haman’s position as the king’s second in command.

To anyone who picks up the book of Esther for light reading, it might look like her story contains coincidence after coincidence, but to those who know what God’s providence and sovereignty look like, it’s clear who’s in control of the narrative all along. While the Israelites are living in exile, in a foreign land, under a foreign king, it may seem like God is far off and has forgotten His people and His promises. But the opposite is true. Even when God feels far away—to us or to the Israelites—He is actively working in our lives to save us. • Naomi Zylstra

• Can you think of a time you felt like God was far away? What was that like? Looking back, are there any ways you can now see God’s handiwork where you may not have expected it?

• God saved His people from genocide through Esther—she was willing to lay down her life for others, risking everything to ask the king to spare her people. This story offers us a glimpse into God’s ultimate plan to save us from sin and death through Jesus—He was willing to lay down His life for us. Jesus died on the cross, and then He rose again, and now He promises to be with us no matter what. Consider taking some time to talk to Jesus and ask Him to help you see how He is actively working in your life, and how He might be inviting you to be part of that work.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)