Running Out of Gas

Author: Tracy Mikula — Host: Dylan KraayenbrinkPosted on: July 6, 2024

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Running Out of Gas

READ: EXODUS 20:8-11; MARK 1:21-22, 32-38; EPHESIANS 2:4-10

Imagine this: Cars zoom by as you sit on the side of the road. You hope no one you know sees you stranded, your car out of gas. You can’t believe you forgot to fill up the tank! Your brother even reminded you this morning. In humility, you wait for him to come to your rescue. And now you’ll be late for soccer practice.

With school, sports, friends, family, clubs, social media, jobs, youth group, volunteering, college applications, and so…much…more, there is A LOT to do. It’s no wonder we turn to stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and screens to feel more alert and keep up with life. But these things can’t sustain us, and eventually we crash. They mask the real need: rest.

Regular rest refuels our bodies, enabling us to do more than we otherwise could. Ironically, we can actually do more in less time when we rest. And here’s the secret: one of the benefits of resting in God’s presence is that it allows Him to refuel us and refresh our souls (Psalm 23:1-3), thereby giving us the energy—and the wisdom—to do the good work He has for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). This type of spiritually rejuvenating rest is called a Sabbath, which God demonstrated for us when He rested after the work of creating the universe (Exodus 20:11).

Jesus is God the Son, and He is also Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8). During His ministry, Jesus regularly spent time in the Father’s presence to rest and refuel for the work before Him. For example, in Mark 1:35, “Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray,” making time to meet with God the Father after a very busy day of healing and preaching.

We too can spend time resting in God’s presence, being refueled for the work He has given us to do. And even when we overdo it and end up drained, He has so much compassion on us. As we seek Him, He will help us learn to live in the rhythms of work and rest. • Tracy Mikula

• Have you ever taken a Sabbath rest, pausing from work and busyness, even if all the tasks or to-do lists aren’t finished? What was it like? Taking regular times of intentional rest can help us remember that Jesus has already done the work of saving us. Because Jesus died on the cross for us and rose from the grave, we don’t ever need to strive to do enough or be enough. Rest is not something we earn—Jesus gives us rest in Himself (Matthew 11:28-30). Consider taking some time to think about what you spend your time on, and ask God if there is anything He is inviting you to drop from your schedule, at least temporarily, to take the rest your body and soul need.

“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10 (NLT) 
