God With Us

Author: Savannah Coleman — Host: Dylan KraayenbrinkPosted on: December 16, 2023

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
God With Us

READ: ISAIAH 9:1-7; MATTHEW 1:18-23

God with us. Closer than our very breath, YH-WH, “I am,” here (Exodus 3:14). From the seeking of humanity in the Garden of Eden, when we first sinned and God called to us, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). To the seeking in the desert, when the LORD spoke to Hagar and she said: “You are the God who sees me” (Genesis 16:8-13). To the pivotal moment of Love come down in the manger. “Immanuel…‘God is with us’” (Matthew 1:23). All the way to the cross, where Immanuel gave up His life and said, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34).

The whole of history is this beautiful chase. God creating, bending, heart-rending. God reaching, earth crying, hearts breaking, long waiting until the promise was fulfilled: God with us here, now, always.

You can trace the line of promises kept from the Garden to the Flood, from the Manger to the Cross, from the Resurrection to the Ascension. And then, a mighty, rushing wind; tongues of holy flame settling on and always in—the Holy Spirit with us (Acts 2:2-4). Our Advocate, Helper, Teacher, Comforter—God in us (John 14:16-17, 26).

God with us wherever we go, God in our midst, God dwelling in us, God among us. All we need, always, even as we wait until He comes again.

Lord, thank you for coming to us in our need and brokenness. You came from glory and perfection to mire and destruction. You came as the Light in the darkness to set the captives free and to dwell among us—and in us. You are Immanuel. We are not forsaken. We are not alone. There is no need for striving, for working to attain—in Jesus, it’s already done. Risen from the dead, coming back again. The greatest gift is God with us: You came for love. Today, may we rest and believe that You are more than enough. • Savannah Coleman

• At Christmas, we remember how Jesus came and lived among us. Jesus is Immanuel, which means “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23). How can looking at God’s pursuit of us throughout the Bible help us more fully understand the significance of Jesus’s coming? How has Jesus revealed God’s never-ending love for us? (Find out more about why Jesus came on our “Know Jesus” page.)

• If you want to dig deeper, read Joshua 1:9; Zephaniah 3:17; Matthew 28:20; John 1:5, 14.

“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means, ‘God is with us.’” Matthew 1:23 (NLT) 
