Unlocked Archives: February 2024

  • February 19, 2024

    READ: ROMANS 6:1-23; 8:12-21 At times, the Christian life can feel a bit restrictive. Following God’s good ways means certain things are off limits because sin hurts us and those around us. Yet sometimes, saying no to sin doesn’t make us feel very free. It might feel like we’re missing out. But Romans 6 in [...]

  • February 18, 2024

    READ: 3 JOHN 1:5-8; ROMANS 15:7; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6; EPHESIANS 4:1-6 In God’s family, we will encounter people who have different backgrounds, experiences, personalities, likes, and dislikes than ours. And this is a beautiful thing! But it can be challenging as we seek to learn from and be kind to each other through the differences. [...]

  • February 17, 2024

    READ: JOSHUA 23:14; 1 PETER 1:3-9; 2 PETER 1:2-4; 3:9 Imagine this. You’ve just arrived at the best theme park in the state. You’re ecstatic to finally have enough money to be here—and you wouldn’t even be going if you hadn’t found a coupon for half-price tickets. But when the woman at the ticket booth [...]

  • February 16, 2024

    READ: 1 SAMUEL 16:1-13; MATTHEW 23:23-39; COLOSSIANS 3:1-17 Appearances aren’t everything. We probably know this in our heads, yet how often do we find ourselves getting worried about what others will think of us based on how we look or what we do? Maybe you really care about your clothes, the image you portray to [...]

  • February 15, 2024

    READ: ROMANS 8:18-39; REVELATION 21:1-7 Some days, I end up not eating breakfast. I’m not saying this is something everyone should do, but sometimes it’s what happens to me. I may not eat anything till noon. All morning, my stomach groans and grumbles, communicating its annoyance. And when I finally do eat, I find a [...]

  • February 14, 2024

    READ: PSALM 27:10; ISAIAH 49:15; 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-13; 1 JOHN 4:7-21 People don’t always love each other the way they should. Our world has been broken by sin, and we experience this brokenness in so many ways. You might see divorces happen and witness the heart-wrenching sorrow of two people separating after promising to be [...]

  • February 13, 2024

    READ: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17; HEBREWS 12:1-3; 1 PETER 1:3 Growing up, I would eagerly await Easter. After long stretches of cold winter, I couldn’t wait for warmer months. The Easter season promised planting new flower seeds, hiding Easter eggs, and more time basking in the spring sun. During the six and a half weeks leading [...]

  • February 12, 2024

    READ: NAHUM 1:1-7; 2:1-10; 3:1-4, 18-19; ACTS 17:24-31 Sometimes I see all the bad in the world and I start to feel hopeless. With things like war and cancer in the world, does God even care? Well, the short book of Nahum in the Bible is a collection of poems that shows how God does [...]

  • February 11, 2024

    READ: REVELATION 5:9-14; 12:10-11; 17:14; 22:1-5 Worthy, worthy is the Lamb,Worthy is the great I am.He was slain in my stead,Bruised and buried, He rose from the dead.Ruling now in majesty,Day and night He pleads for me.Clothed in robes of purest light,The Lamb returns, dispels the night.King of kings upon His throne,High and holy is [...]

  • February 10, 2024

    READ: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:14-17; EPHESIANS 4:20-32; COLOSSIANS 3:5-17 Closet clean-outs can be so satisfying. Getting rid of clothes that no longer fit can help make space for the things we really need—and like—in our closets. Instead of a cluttered and chaotic closet bursting at the seams with clothes that don’t really suit us, we see [...]