Unlocked Archives: April 2023

  • April 10, 2023

    On Good Friday, many Christians remember how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Then on Easter Sunday, we celebrate Jesus's resurrection—how He rose from the grave, defeating sin and death forever! On Monday, lots of people resume everyday life—going back to school, friends, homework, part-time jobs, sports—but Easter is not the end of [...]

  • April 9, 2023

    Mary Magdalene pressed a hand against her aching heart. "How do I still have tears left in me?" She had been mourning for three days, along with others who were Jesus's friends, followers, and family, but the realization was still sinking in: he was actually gone. It was dawn on the third day, and Mary [...]

  • April 8, 2023

    Oh, day of awful darkness when I cried unending tears, the very thing I dreaded most now haunted all my fears. . Where could my lovely child be, my Savior and my Son? Who sought to wrench His life away; what foul thing had He done? . With Peter, James, and brother John, I hid [...]

  • April 7, 2023

    Jesus suffered for us. His death on the cross wasn't a quick death. He wasn't alive and healthy and happy one moment and then dead the next. Jesus went through pain. Before He was arrested, He knew what was coming, and He had the power to stop it. But He chose to move forward anyway. [...]

  • April 6, 2023

    When was the last time you were afraid? Maybe you're afraid of bugs, heights, or needles. Maybe you have emotional fears, such as being afraid of loss, pain, or rejection. Everybody is afraid of something. Personally, I have a big fear of needles—I can't even look at one without getting chills down my spine. Not [...]

  • April 5, 2023

    Rising prices can be frightening. They make life feel uncertain, like we're not sure what's going to happen next. . Maybe your family can't go on vacation like you always did. Maybe you're not getting the car you always thought you would have or you're not sure if you can afford to attend college. Maybe [...]

  • April 4, 2023

    Daffodils lifted their creamy yellow faces toward the sun, the birds sang in the branches of the flowering magnolia tree, a breeze sent ripples cascading across the otherwise still pond. My friend and I were experiencing year three at our annual retreat, and this place reminded us to direct our focus back on God and [...]

  • April 3, 2023

    I was saved at the age of sixteen by Jesus's death and resurrection, but I remained un-discipled for a few years until I attended a Bible college. My faith grew immensely due to the solid Bible teaching and professors who loved Jesus. However, I felt out of place on campus. Other students would gushingly share [...]

  • April 2, 2023

    Jesus came to this messed-up earth to save us. He wasn't born to rich people or given a great beginning here on earth. When He was born, He was laid in a manger—where the animals eat—for a bed (Luke 2:7-16). . When Jesus was grown-up and started preaching and telling others all kinds of things [...]

  • April 1, 2023

    On many a Sunday morning, I find myself getting ready for church. I gaze at my closet, filled with casual clothes for school, but nothing seems right forchurch. I quickly grab a simple blouse and hurry downstairs. At church, everyone seems well-dressed, happy, and eager to greet us at the door. Somehow, I don't feel [...]