Unlocked Archives: March 2023

  • March 11, 2023

    God is everywhere. When you're sitting by a creek bubbling in between rocks along the way. When you wake up on an ordinary day. When the sun is shining through your window at work or play. When you are up on the mountain or in the valley below. . Words of wisdom to remember God [...]

  • March 10, 2023

    Not worrying is easier said than done. . I know that I can leave it all to God and that He is ultimately in control of everything going on in my life, but I still want to control it. I still want to feel that I have some power over any situation that I am [...]

  • March 9, 2023

    Saying goodbye is my least favorite thing. And my honorary “niece” agrees with me. . Last year, my husband and I bought a house with our dear friends from college—the parents of our aforementioned niece. We wanted to live in community and save money, and it has been such a joy for our two families [...]

  • March 8, 2023

    If I were to tell you a secret, I think you would see that you shared in my secret. What if I were to tell you that I secretly struggle with having faith in God's plans when things go awry? It's true. As I go through this fun adventure we call life, I have my [...]

  • March 7, 2023

    Have you ever messed up and then felt like you needed to somehow hide from God? Adam and Eve felt that way in the Garden of Eden. They did something wrong, and they thought they could make things better by hiding from God. . Not only does God see you even when you are trying [...]

  • March 6, 2023

    Have you ever reached boiling point? You've been trying so hard to do the right thing, and in a weak moment, you sin. Your temper bubbles over, scalding hot. Your good intentions vanish, and you lose it, only later to be overwhelmed with guilt and failure. All is not lost. . I've had those days [...]

  • March 5, 2023

    It can be hard to sit back and be still. Some people will call us lazy if we do this. Some will say we need to get going and take action. There are times when we need to be still, though. There are times when we need to wait for God's leading and direction. There [...]

  • March 4, 2023

    In Luke 15, Jesus told a story of a prodigal son who asked for his own portion of the inheritance from his father instead of waiting for him to die, and the father granted it to him. Years later the son came back with nothing. Surprisingly, his father welcomed him back into the household with [...]

  • March 3, 2023

    Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit, and it's vital for every Christian, in every walk of life (Galatians 5:22). When we are faithful, we are rooted in motivations and desires that are in line with the Bible, and our feet are steady upon the solidness of God. But faithfulness is something I struggle with [...]

  • March 2, 2023

    Ever struggled to focus on reading the Bible? You're not alone! Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite ways to read and focus on God's Word. It's called "lectio divina," which is Latin for “divine reading.” . This practice was used by Christians long before it was common for individuals to be [...]