Unlocked Archives: March 2023

  • March 31, 2023

    I should've stayed with my unit. Bright flashes of color told me the oxygen in my suit was running low, not that it would've mattered. My cracked ribs kept me from inhaling too deeply, even though I knew I should. Short, staccato breaths were all I could manage as I glanced for the thousandth time [...]

  • March 30, 2023

    Have you ever been told that you were too young to do something? That your heart was in the right place, but you were too young to do what you felt God had called you to do? The truth is, God invites all of us to follow Him, no matter what age we are. . [...]

  • March 29, 2023

    First Thessalonians 4:13-18 is my favorite passage in the Bible because it gives me hope beyond the grave. It reminds me that my loved ones who have died and were believers in Jesus Christ are not lost. We will be reunited one day—I will meet them after death or at Jesus's return when He will [...]

  • March 28, 2023

    Thomas Cole (1801-1848) was a Christian painter and the founder of the Hudson River School of landscape painting. His work is a testament to God's sacred touch in nature. . When I paint the sky, I make it blue with a yellow sun. . When Thomas Cole painted the sky, he made it endless with [...]

  • March 27, 2023

    God's grace is amazing. He gives us favor even though none of us deserve it. God's love is beautiful. None of us are worthy of His great love, but He loves you so much that He became human to live and die for you. . God is the Creator of the universe and all the [...]

  • March 26, 2023

    Have you had times in your life when things were so difficult that it felt like you were going into a battle each day? Are you going through something that feels like that right now? If so, did you know that God is ready to go to battle for you? You don't have to face [...]

  • March 25, 2023

    What will give us peace and satisfaction? We might think relationships will, a good job will, a good home, family, marriage, children, work, skill, talent, gifts, etc. All these things and many more might make us feel contented and satisfied, but only temporarily. . There is no one who can satisfy, nothing that can give [...]

  • March 24, 2023

    Heavy footsteps sounded from behind Skyla, and she turned to see Captain Solenar approaching. He gave her a nod, his jaw set in a grim line. . “All of our work ” Skyla's voice cracked as she looked out over the landscape in front of her. It had taken the group of extraterrestrial experts years [...]

  • March 23, 2023

    Practically every year, when spring weather rolls around I feel a burst of energy. Living in an area that gets long, cold winters for more than half the year, I always feel a sense of happiness when spring comes. And almost every spring, I love to enjoy the beautiful fresh air and new life by [...]

  • March 22, 2023

    When I became a mental health counselor, I had no idea what to expect. What unfolded was difficult to accept but forever changed the way I viewed others. I learned firsthand that some people who might appear “happy” in their everyday life are actually experiencing mistreatment from those they trust most. . From the outside, [...]