Unlocked Archives: January 2023

  • January 12, 2023

    I'll never forget something God reminded me of in a hospital room. We were visiting a dear friend who had just had a baby. A few minutes into our visit, her newborn son woke up from his slumber and began to cry. I'll never forget the words of comfort she spoke to her wailing son [...]

  • January 11, 2023

    I struggle with anxiety. There are times when my anxiety gets to me and keeps me from being at peace. I can pray in those times and feel like it's not helping at all. . As Christians, sometimes we are made to feel bad for having anxiety. Aren't we supposed to trust that God will [...]

  • January 10, 2023

    Do you ever hear the phrase “God knows the number of hairs on your head” and think to yourself, "Really? Why would God need to know that about me? Or why would He even care?" . Psalm 139 talks about the intimate way God knows us. We are His creation, and He knits us together [...]

  • January 9, 2023

    You win a contEsther The rain holds out long enough for you to go outside with your friends. You have a loving family. You get a good grade on a school assignment All those things could signal to others that you are “blessed.” Our world often associates blessing with being rich, comfortable, talented, successful, and [...]

  • January 8, 2023

    When Jesus was born, He didn't even have a crib. He was born where the animals were kept and laid in a manger. . When Jesus was growing up, He was a carpenter's son. He wasn't rich. He didn't live in a castle or have nice, expensive things. He had a humble life. . When [...]

  • January 7, 2023

    The universe is so large, the stars so far away in the night sky, and yet the same God who made the stars also made us. . When we start to doubt our worth or worry that there isn't a reason for our lives, we can consider the stars in the night sky and the [...]

  • January 6, 2023

    I have a confession. I used to hate the people who disagreed with me politically. It's understandable to feel strongly about how we practice politics. Voting and activism have the potential to bring about much good in our communities. Politics can also be incredibly scary because we're often dealing with life-and-death issues that affect us [...]

  • January 5, 2023

    Fireheart's eyes sharpened as she beheld an opalescent creature on the highest peak of the cliffs, glinting like a thousand diamonds in the sun's waning light. As she flew nearer, she noted with surprise that it was a dragon. Fireheart hovered above, waiting for a warning signal of flames or the flash of claws, but [...]

  • January 4, 2023

    Legends passed down from generation to generation told of a treasure so pure and valuable that it rivaled all others. Fireheart made it her mission to obtain this treasure. When she was still the tiniest of dragons, tucked under her mother's massive wing, she was told stories of the dragons who made it their life's [...]

  • January 3, 2023

    I once watched a video that asked an unusual question: “What year of life tends to be the best?” Pretty deep, right? Not surprisingly, the video didn't come to a definite conclusion. Depending on what you think the answer is, you might either feel hopeless that the best of life is done, or disappointed when [...]