Unlocked Archives: December 2022

  • December 22, 2022

    This time of year, many people set out nativity scenes that depict baby Jesus in the manger to remind us of our Savior's humble birth. My family's nativity set was made of sturdy wooden pieces so the kids could touch the figures and play with them. Even children can understand something of the beauty and [...]

  • December 21, 2022

    When discussing Christmas with family or friends, I get a variety of responses when I say these words: “No cross, no cradle.” Some reply with a puzzled look, others have laughed saying the opposite is true. Every once in a while, someone will nod. They know exactly what I'm talking about. . God became a [...]

  • December 20, 2022

    Christmas season is always something I look forward to. Excitement can be seen and felt everywhere I turn: music is coming from shops, and people are singing carols. The Christmas season brings to town upcountry folks, and the streets of the cities are full of people as the shopkeepers have brought in new merchandise just [...]

  • December 19, 2022

    In the book of Malachi, we see God's chosen people imploring Him to be gracious to them even while they keep disrespecting Him and showing contempt for His commands. . By God's law, they are to make unblemished animal sacrifices to God for their sins. Instead, they sacrifice blind, diseased, and injured animals. Even the [...]

  • December 18, 2022

    I cannot fight this darkness deep I cannot find my way Help me, O my God . The faithful, godly people Have vanished from the world Help me, O my God . The poor and needy gasp for help That's nowhere to be found Help them, O my God . The wicked encompass the earth [...]

  • December 17, 2022

    As a teenager, one of the reasons I didn't believe in God was because I didn't think God cared about my individual struggles. There were people in far worse situations who needed God's help, so I didn't think He cared about me. It certainly didn't feel like He listened to me when I tried praying. [...]

  • December 16, 2022

    One of my favorite Bible passages is Psalm 19. David, the psalmist, illustrates how God is a master communicator. This psalm has three parts: . 1) God speaks through creation; . 2) God speaks through His Word; and . 3) David's response to both. . First, we see that God speaks through His work of [...]

  • December 15, 2022

    Isaiah 9:6-7 is part of an Old Testament promise of a Messiah: a Rescuer and King for the whole world! This passage lists tons of names that are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus. One of those names is “Wonderful Counselor.” We may not always think a lot about this name, but it has special importance for [...]

  • December 14, 2022

    Maybe you've heard the saying: God will never give us more than we can handle. I'd never thought much about that idea until I found myself in Guatemala, begging God not to let both of my grandparents pass away while I was gone. . My grammy had been sick when I left for my semester [...]

  • December 13, 2022

    I need help right now The waves are about to wash me away God, I need you right now This pain is too much for me to bear The sooner you help The sooner I can start to heal The sooner you help The easier things will be I can't wait any longer This hurts [...]