Unlocked Archives: December 2022

  • December 31, 2022

    In high school, I had a plan for my life, and I didn't want anything to get in the way. I loved Jesus, but I didn't want to surrender my goals to Him. . My junior year, I had the chance to go on a trip with my church to Honduras. We had a week [...]

  • December 30, 2022

    Changing situations and changing circumstances often come with changing moods, like unease, irritability, or even irrational behavior. These changes may be due to the loss of employment, a loved one, or something else we once held so dear. We might lose something that used to occupy our time, or something that's just always been there. [...]

  • December 29, 2022

    There are times when we feel like no one really loves us or cares about us. We might have a family member hurt us or cut us out of their life. We might go through a breakup or deal with teasing from people who we thought were our friends. There are times when we get [...]

  • December 28, 2022

    We have a friend saying goodbye and meeting a new friend on today's Unlocked Connection episode! Andrew has decided to step away from hosting Unlocked (listen to find out why), and Natalie introduces us to George Moss, a new friend taking over from Andrew. He's going to be an awesome host and we hope you [...]

  • December 28, 2022

    Gazing up at the ever-darkening sky, people in the kingdom of Worne waited. How long had they looked for salvation? Where was the promise of rescue and freedom? All at once, there was a crack in the heavens, a blaze of light that burned stark against the night. Some shielded their faces in fear while [...]

  • December 27, 2022

    I grew up thinking I needed to hold it together. My teenage problems seemed minuscule next to extreme poverty and world hunger. But I did have problems. And they felt big to me. . In John 16:33, Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble.” He doesn't say if; He says will. You will [...]

  • December 26, 2022

    He will never leave you But will be by your side Staying with you forever He promises to stay the whole ride . He will never forsake you No matter how big a mess you make You can confess your sins to Him His patience will not break . He will never forget you You [...]

  • December 25, 2022

    The air was full of excitement. It was Christmas day, and everyone was preparing to go to church. I also prepared myself to go and worship among others at the small village church that had become the center of attraction on this day. . Every Christmas, the church would be filled with worshippers. Everyone would [...]

  • December 24, 2022

    The night started just like any other night. A clear, star-lit sky. Sheep sleeping in the field. The shepherds finishing their evening meal around the campfire. Quiet talk about families and the price of wool. But this was no ordinary night. . An angel of God coming to proclaim the coming of the Messiah, and [...]

  • December 23, 2022

    Bookends are those supports that keep books from falling over on a shelf or desk. By way of analogy, there are two events that “bookend” the life of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel accounts of Luke and Matthew: two angelic appearances, two unlikely recipients of the angel's message, and two responses that teach us [...]