Unlocked Archives: November 2022

  • November 20, 2022

    Jesus had the power to heal sickness. He had the power to forgive sins. He still does. You can trust Him with everything because He is great and powerful. Jesus has compassion for the hurting, and He cares for you. He loves the broken. He forgives sinners. Jesus can heal people who are blind, sick, [...]

  • November 19, 2022

    When life is busy, our minds are constantly full of things we have to do, places we have to go, and people we have to see. It's very easy to find ourselves becoming a little self-centered. We never intended to live in our own little worlds, but that's what life seems to demand right now. [...]

  • November 18, 2022

    Do you ever think about eternity? As a little kid, I used to lie awake at night, thinking about what it would be like to live forever and ever and ever—with no end. An eternal life with God! There was no way to wrap my mind around the idea. No matter how many zeroes I [...]

  • November 17, 2022

    Why is this happening, God? When will it stop?” Tears fell as I poured out my heart and journaled to the Lord. I had prayed for a particular person in my life for years, but the grueling situation continued. My emotions ranged from despair to anger. What emotions have you experienced lately? What about in [...]

  • November 16, 2022

    When my alarm clock first went off, I did not want to rise; I laid within my bed awhile; It held me like a vice. A blackened cloud hung over me, Of doubt and fear and pain; I shut my eyes and thought I would Not open them again. It felt like I could not [...]

  • November 15, 2022

    We all have them: thoughts or desires that pop into our heads—some uninvited, others invited. There have been many times when, after such a thought, I was relieved that it was only in my mind and not flashing in lights for all to see. On one occasion, a thought had been plaguing me for several [...]

  • November 14, 2022

    Ready for Bible trivia? What is the longest chapter in the Bible? The answer: Psalm 119, with a whopping 176 verses! Though it's long, this psalm is all about the importance of God's Word and how much the psalmist loves God's law that He gave to the Israelites. A song about laws seems strange at [...]

  • November 13, 2022

    Glistening gold, embedded with rubies, topaz, emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, and pearls—the throne beckoned for something, or someone, to sit upon it. What would suffice? What could fill the desires of my heart and be worthy of that royal seat? First, I placed my family and friends on the throne. "Nothing is as precious as family [...]

  • November 12, 2022

    If only they took the time to really know me.... If only they took the time to ask how I'm doing... If only they understood my interests and what I want my life to be about... Do you sometimes feel like no one knows you or understands you? Do you feel as if your family [...]

  • November 11, 2022

    There are things in my life that I had once that I don't have anymore. There are relationships that were once a big deal to me that were taken from me and are gone now. There are times when the pain of what I lost is very heavy” ...And there are times when I realize [...]