Unlocked Archives: October 2022

  • October 11, 2022

    Not five days had passed since we began our journey, and already we had seen trouble. My brother and I dragged our tired bodies down the road, our dented swords hanging limply in their scabbards and our stomachs moaning with hunger. I remembered how Supreme Agape told us that we would have troubles—many of them—and [...]

  • October 10, 2022

    You have done it all, God You created the sky, the earth You saved me when I was still a sinner You have written my name in heaven You have done it all, God You created goats and pigs You made grass and trees You have made beauty on earth You have done it all, [...]

  • October 9, 2022

    Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” Did you know you can read this verse many times, and it can reflect something a bit different each time? This happens if you emphasize a different word each time you read the verse. When the word “The” is emphasized, it highlights how He is THE Lord. [...]

  • October 8, 2022

    In the book of Esther, a Jew becomes queen of a gentile (or non-Jewish) nation that stretches from India to Cush (the upper Nile region). This kingdom is headed by King Xerxes. But Esther is not his first queen. The book begins when King Xerxes gives an enormous banquet for all his officials and the [...]

  • October 7, 2022

    Years back, I shared a house with a friend. This friend had a niece who also lived with us. For some reason, this girl harbored a dislike for me. Whenever something went wrong in the house, she was quick to point out that I was the one responsible when, in fact, I was innocent. This [...]

  • October 6, 2022

    We live in a culture that's full of division—division that leads to differences in ideas, differences in politics, and even to war. We hear terms like cultural warfare, cancel culture, and cultural bias. These phrases are interlaced when it comes to decisions about education, voting rights, safety, and health. It can feel like there are [...]

  • October 5, 2022

    “Jax!” Celine pointed eagerly to her microscope. “Come look at this.” Jax put down the test tube he was holding and walked over to her. Thanks to the artificial gravity in the station, he could move quickly. Outside, where there were no magnetized floors tugging at the flecks of iron embedded in his uniform and [...]

  • October 4, 2022

    As Celine peered through the window of her submersible, she could see the edge of Saturn's rings looming through the gap in the ice above her. “I'm approaching the fissure, Jax,” she said into her headpiece. “Ready to surface.” Jax's voice crackled in response. “I see you, Tiger Three. Come on up, Celine.” As the [...]

  • October 3, 2022

    A big bowl of stew is a comforting food when you're hungry on a cold day. It's a great meal to share...unless you put poisonous ingredients in it! If you like strange stories, today's reading is one of the strangest ones in the Bible. During a famine, a hungry guy finds gourds and throws them [...]

  • October 2, 2022

    It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to admit that you don't have the answers. It's okay to struggle. Just know that God has your back. If you've put your trust in Jesus, nothing can separate you from God's love (Romans 8:38-39). Through all the moments when you feel afraid, He is there. He [...]