Unlocked Archives: October 2022

  • October 31, 2022

    By day, the town of Goshen was like any other. People went to work, children went to school, and families gathered to share a meal at suppertime. But after dark, everything changed. Doors were locked and drapes were pulled tight over windows. Because here, the dead ruled the night. They came from the ground and [...]

  • October 30, 2022

    How quickly the grass changes. From green to brown to covered in white snow How quickly the trees shift First orange, then bare and gray How quickly the air cools From warm and balmy to cold and crisp How quickly our appetites change Craving something warm and hearty Summer goes away Seasons change Our God [...]

  • October 29, 2022

    We all have times in our lives when we mess up and things are not right. We all have times when we feel guilty and dirty. We want to make things better, but we aren't sure what steps we need to take. God is there in those times. He is all about second chances and [...]

  • October 28, 2022

    The science of astronomy studies the heavens—planets, moons, stars, and more. In 1571 a boy was born in Württemberg, Germany who became one of the most famous and influential scientists and astronomers of all time. His name was Johannes Kepler. Like many of us, Johannes was awed by the beauty and mystery of a clear [...]

  • October 27, 2022

    In and out, I remind myself There's no air in this room My lungs collapsing Pathogens attacking Brain on fire Keep it in, I remind myself This will have to end But, great tears rolling Body trembling Petrified with fear A voice, a call Whisper of hope “Look up child” says my Lord His golden [...]

  • October 26, 2022

    In reading the narrative of David and Goliath, I noticed a small detail, and it got me thinking. The first seven verses of 1 Samuel 17 detail Goliath's very impressive appearance. Verse 5 mentions his bronze scale armor, which weighed more than one hundred pounds. Notice the word scale? That caught my attention. It reminded [...]

  • October 25, 2022

    I'm fourteen, and something I need to be constantly reminded of is that I don't need to rush life. I always want my way—I want what's next. I want to drive a car, have a boyfriend, be married, and have kids. I think I'm ready for a real job and college, but the truth is, [...]

  • October 24, 2022

    We live by a lake in the northwEsther If we awoke from a twenty-year-long nap, like in the story of Rip Van Winkle, and we didn't know what month it was, we could guess by looking at the lake. Different seasons bring us different wildlife, mostly waterfowl. Canada geese drop in to rest each spring [...]

  • October 23, 2022

    In most crime shows there is at least one episode involving something counterfeit: currency, artwork, even identities. While many of these shows depict the criminals using state-of-the-art technology to create their fakes, they are really just using the newest toys to commit the oldest crimes. People have needed a way to spot forgeries for ages. [...]

  • October 22, 2022

    Are you a morning person? I am an early bird, and I love to start most days with a brisk walk. I greet the people I meet with a “Good morning!” Not everyone answers, and some look downright grumpy. I used to feel offended when people would look the other direction when I smiled at [...]