Unlocked Archives: June 2022

  • June 20, 2022

    Have you ever been reading a Bible passage and a certain word or phrase keeps popping up over and over again? That happens to me with the word good when I read the book of Titus, and it's why I think one of the main themes of Titus is “doing what is good.” The book [...]

  • June 19, 2022

    As a daughter of missionaries, I had memorized John 3:16 in both English and Portuguese. I knew that God loved me and that Christ had died for me. But it still felt like a generic kind of love. So, God loves me. But with what kind of love does He love me? In a letter [...]

  • June 18, 2022

    People can push us down and mess with our minds. When others treat us wrongly, we can get into a dark place mentally and be scared to keep moving forward. When we have enemies coming against us, it can be hard for us to stay positive or keep our trust in God. In Psalm 143, [...]

  • June 17, 2022

    "Laila, don't go in!” I yell, as my friend opens the door of an abandoned hut in the hills. “You can't.” Ignoring my pleas, she whispers, her dark eyes staring back at me, “It's not what you think. I have to, and you will too.” Within seconds, the door creaks shut behind her and is [...]

  • June 16, 2022

    Four different authors wrote accounts of Jesus's life (called Gospels), and three of them recorded one of my favorite stories about Jesus: His interaction with a woman who bled for twelve years. This woman had spent over a decade suffering physically, but on top of that, in that culture she would've been considered “unclean.” She [...]

  • June 15, 2022

    Do you find yourself reaching for the tissues at the end of a movie? Are you someone who chokes up when you hear a tragic news report? I am. Do you sometimes feel ashamed for shedding tears that you want to hide away? Believe me, I can empathize. Growing up, I was (and still am) [...]

  • June 14, 2022

    While talking to one of my friends, I was refreshed by their honesty about a current situation: “I was angry but God can handle our feelings.” There is often the temptation to put on the mask of perfection or plaster on a smile when our world feels like it's falling apart. My friend understood: God [...]

  • June 13, 2022

    Wandering, lost, and alone. How long have I been like this? My sins are against me, sapping my strength. Bones wasting away, I groan in agony. Those I had trusted in betrayed and enslaved me—quite honestly, my own evil heart enslaved me. This heart is as hard as stone, my transgressions heavy from the time [...]

  • June 12, 2022

    Are you getting enough sleep? So many of us are sleep-deprived; studies show we are tired at school, tired at work, and tired when we are driving our cars. During our teen years, most of us need eight to ten hours of sleep every night. That's hard to get if we are worried or stressed [...]

  • June 11, 2022

    God strengthen me Sometimes I feel so weak God guide me Sometimes I feel so lost God hold me Sometimes I feel alone God care for me Sometimes I can't care for myself God save me I cannot save myself Jesus, your sacrifice is enough for me I know you gave everything Let me cling [...]