Unlocked Archives: May 2022

  • May 21, 2022

    There are times when we are in the midst of a really heavy and difficult situation, and something happens that causes us to laugh. We could be mourning someone we lost, but a memory of them brings us joy or is funny to us. God knows what it takes to get us through tough times, [...]

  • May 20, 2022

    The outrage on the judge's face multiplied, and he spit his next words. “The penalty for her sin is death. You cannot waltz in here and demand that justice not be served.” The man beside me took a long breath, and in a sad voice said, “I know.” My heart sank, and I covered my [...]

  • May 19, 2022

    The jury was silent. The judge's face turned red with anger. “I'll ask you again. Who do you think you are, bursting into this courtroom?” The man who had just run in from outside was still looking at me as the judge spoke, but his attention slowly shifted back to the judge. “What is this [...]

  • May 18, 2022

    I crossed my arms over my stomach self-consciously, trying to hide the tattoos that condemned me. I'm not sure why I bothered. Everyone in the courtroom had seen all they needed to. Every citizen bore the sin mark, but some were more visible than others. And my tattoos were a grim stain that covered my [...]

  • May 17, 2022

    It's not often that I eat out, but this one time in February was especially memorable. I was in the drive-thru of a burger joint with my mom. “Want anything?” she asked. I said no, but when I smelled my mom's perfect burger, I changed my mind. Thankfully, she was patient and turned around. But [...]

  • May 16, 2022

    A friend changing schools. A sibling getting married. A family member moving to another time zone. It's hard when people we care about leave the rhythms of our everyday lives. Even if we're happy for them, even if we know the change will be good for them, it can still leave us feeling like part [...]

  • May 15, 2022

    God is capable of miracles. He can do anything. When we start to worry about what is going on in our lives, our country, or the world, it helps to remember that nothing is impossible for God. No matter how dark and hopeless things may seem, God can turn them around. Just look at the [...]

  • May 14, 2022

    Do you sometimes feel insignificant? Perhaps someone made a remark that hurt you deeply. Criticisms regarding your intelligence, background, appearance, or beliefs can be distressing. Or you might live in a household where praise is sparce, and it seems like nothing you do is good enough. We all have different circumstances, yet low self-esteem can [...]

  • May 13, 2022

    My fingers shook. The rough rock walls around me didn't afford many hand holds. My feet pressed against the sides to keep me from falling down this cold, dark shaft. My knees were scraped, my hands bloody. I lifted my head again to look at the scrap of light far above me. No one was [...]

  • May 12, 2022

    Does silence ever make you uncomfortable? It makes me uncomfortable sometimes. Especially when I am trying to get to know a new friend. I often feel nervous when there is a lull in the conversation, leaving an awkward silence. And although it is not a sin, we probably all know someone who talks like silence [...]