Unlocked Archives

  • June 11, 2024

    READ: 2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17; HEBREWS 4:12 When you do the same thing over and over again, it’s easy to get tired of it. This can even be true of reading the Bible. If you’ve ever had your Bible reading routine feel like something you’re just trying to get through and you’ve longed for it to [...]

  • June 9, 2024

    READ: GENESIS 28:15; DEUTERONOMY 31:1-13; PROVERBS 3:26 Have you ever read Deuteronomy 31:8? It says, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” The book of Deuteronomy consists of messages that Moses gave the Israelites about [...]

  • June 7, 2024

    READ: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:20, 35-38, 42-44, 54-57 Have you ever read verses in the Bible that talk about how we’ll be raised from the dead like Jesus was? It’s one thing to picture Jesus being raised from the dead after only three days, but it can be harder to imagine how bodies that have been [...]

  • June 5, 2024

    READ: ROMANS 8:31-39; 1 PETER 5:6-11 I have many tactics that I use to try to deal with anxiety, and it seems like I am always trying something new. Recently, I was thinking about how I tend to try to push aside the worst-case scenarios that come into my head and stress me out, and [...]

  • June 3, 2024

    READ: MARK 14:66-72; LUKE 19:1-10; ACTS 3:18-22; ROMANS 2:4 What do you do after you sin? That probably wasn’t the question you were expecting. We all know that we sin, but do we like to think about that? I certainly don’t. After we sin, sometimes we think we can just forget about it, pretend it [...]

  • June 1, 2024

    READ: PSALM 107:1, 23-32; MATTHEW 8:23-27 My life lately has been more like a ship tossed around on a stormy sea than a little canoe making its way across a peaceful pond. Relationship issues have come up and I have dealt with loss. As much as I want peace, it is hard to find. Nothing [...]

  • May 30, 2024

    READ: MATTHEW 22:35-40; JOHN 6:27-29; 1 JOHN 4:7-19 There’s so much pressure on me…I can’t do everything my parents want me to do. I can’t please all of my teachers. I can’t be someone others look up to. I can’t do it all. What does God require of me? How am I going to do [...]

  • May 28, 2024

    READ: PSALM 23; ISAIAH 49:16; 2 TIMOTHY 3:16 As far as I can remember, the first Bible verse I learned was Psalm 23:6, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” I was probably about ten years old. [...]

  • May 26, 2024

    READ: GENESIS 1:1-3; JOHN 1:1-18; COLOSSIANS 1:15-20; HEBREWS 1:8-12 Have you ever dreamed of being a paleontologist? There’s something awe-inspiring about fossils, whether you find a rock with an imprint of a leaf or a marine creature on it, or go to a museum where entire skeletons are constructed. It’s amazing what we can discover [...]

  • May 24, 2024

    READ: PSALM 91; JOHN 15:1-5; ACTS 16:22-25; COLOSSIANS 3:15-17 Today, while I was getting the hose and sprinkler sorted, I stood in the sunshine. It was nice, for a bit. But eventually the blaring sun was just too much. So, I moved my operation into the shade. Wow, was that better! Standing in the shadow [...]